Mamma Mia!

This page refers to the 2023 revival. For the original 2019 production, see Mamma Mia! (2019).

MARCH 10–18, 2023

Donna, an independent hotelier in the Greek islands, is preparing for her daughter's wedding with the help of two old friends. Meanwhile, Sophie, the spirited bride, has a plan. She secretly invites three men from her mother's past in hope of meeting her real father and having him escort her down the aisle on her big day.

Creative team

Director: Noelle Eben



Donna Sheridan

This is Stella's 5th show with San Luis Obispo High School. Previous roles include Almira Gulch (The Wizard of Oz), Don John (Much Ado About Nothing - canceled due to COVID), Sharpay Evans (High School Musical), and Anne Fryer (Radium Girls). A lifetime fan of spanakopita & baklava, Stella was ecstatic to hear that the spring musical would be taking her to Greece.

She feels very grateful to be taking this journey as Donna Sheridan and would like to thank her friends and family for supporting/tolerating her while in musical mode.

Sophie is a senior and is thrilled to be a part of her third production with SLOHS Performing Arts Company. She has previously performed with SLOHS in The Wizard of Oz (Aunt Em) and Radium Girls (Diane Roeder).

Most recently, she played Aunt Beast in the SLO Repertory Theatre production of A Wrinkle in Time. Sophie has also spent many years performing with Coastal Youth Theatre. Past shows include Pirates of Penzance (Mabel), East of the Sun and West of the Moon (Lara), The Wizard of Oz, and West Side Story. Sophie hopes that one day

ima Mia will become the Fast and Furious franchise of musicals. She would like to thank her family and Hannah, as well as Ms. Eben for making her childhood dream of playing Sophie come true. She

hopes you enjoy this musical full of discos, flippers, and mysteries!

This is Jamie's first show at SLOHS! She works hard to keep up with all the hustle and bustle that makes these shows so great. She'd like to thank her friends Stello and Aubrey for driving her home after practice, and her dog for always singing louder than her when she tries to practice at home. She is very excited to be a pet of such an awesome crew full of awesome people. 

This is Lucy Mendoza's first show with SLO High Theatre Arts, although she has been enrolled in choir all four years of high school.

She'd like to thank her parents for supporting her and helping remind her to memorize her lines as well as her little sister helping sing along while practicing songs.

Did you know that the name ABBA is an acronym derived from each of the band members' first initials? Similarly, the name Mark begins with Mark Rourke's first initial. Did this decision from his parents foretell that he would one day star in this play? Is he entering his highest point of performance?

Is this his destiny? Hopefully not, but the evidence is irrefutable. Mark would like to thank his loved ones who have given him nothing but support in his career in theater and Ms. Eben for her dedication over the years. Thanks for watching, everyone.

Mamma Mia is XC's second musical with SLOHS drama, after playing the Gatekeeper in The Wizard of Oz. They have previously performed with CORE dance company, Central Coast Youth Choir, as well as with SLO REP Theater on multiple occasions. They are very thankful to their parents for supporting them through the production, as well as Ms. Eben for working through many personal challenges. They are super excited to be working on this production!

This is Trevor's first show with SLO High's Performing Arts Company. Going on a run and then singing and dancing has become a beloved hobby of his that's totally not tiring! Flannery Clausen was the one who roped him into this whole thing and he couldn't be more appreciative. He'd like to thank Flannery, his parents, and coaches for being so supportive and helpful throughout everything. Balancing life, being a British man in Greece, running, and school was a challenge, but it was all worth it. Enjoy the show!

his is Troy's fourth show with the SLOHS Performing Arts Company. In his sophomore year he performed as Hickory and ensemble in The Wizard of Oz, as well as Claudio in the cancelled Much Ado. More recently he was spotted poisoning children as Arthur Roeder in Radium Girls. He is now mostly reformed and excited for a second chance in Mamma Mia, the ABBA musical. He is grateful for his parents for supporting him through multiple shows, and to all the others involved with the show making it possible.

 For August Jonson, this will be his second show with SLO High! You may recognize him from the 24-Hour Musical when he played Troy Bolton in High School Musical. He's enthusiastic to be a part of this show and make new friends. He hopes to continue being a part of SLO High's productions!

 Jude is so thrilled to be back with SLOHS Performing Arts! This is his 3rd production with SLOHS. You may have previously seen him as William Bailey in Radium Girls, and Ryan in the 24 Hour Musical. He also played Ralphie in A Christmas Story at SLO REP this past December. Jude has loved all things performing since he could talk, and is always looking for opportunities to be onstage. When his life is not taken over by theatre, you can probably find him procrastinating on his homework, or binge watching New Girl. Usually both at the same time. He would like to thank his parents for endless support and rides to rehearsal. Enjoy the show!

A senior at SLOHS, Lindsay has spent many hours in this theatre and others around town. After years of acting in such roles as The Wizard (The Wizard of Oz) and Mrs. White (CLUE!), Irene Rudolph (Radium Girls), and many more, Smith has found her passion in direction. Last year she directed Much Ado About Nothing (canceled due to COVID), and just recently stage-managed A Wrinkle in Time at SLO Rep. Smith serves as the current President of the SLOHS Performing Arts Co. On the rare occasion she is not busy with theatre she loves to read, listen to music, or draw. She hopes you enjoy the disco!

Carmen Joines was born a performer. From playing the piano to starring in the SLOHS theatre program's The Wizard of Oz as the Cowardly Lion, she has had music pulsing through her veins. Outside of theater, she enjoys winning at tennis, creating magnificent meals in the kitchen, and walking through the hills. Influenced heavily by her two older siblings passion and drive for music, Carmen's environment has always been a huge inspiration for her musical career. 



Charley Beck is thrilled to be back with SLOHS Theatre. Previously with SLOHS, she has performed in Radium Girls (Grace Fryer), Clue (Mr. Green), the ensemble of The Wizard of Oz, and, had it not been canceled due to COVID, Much Ado About Nothing (Hero). Virtual SLOHS productions include The Party Hop (Janeya) and Much Ado About Nothing (Margaret). Charley also performs with SLO REP Theatre. Some past productions include Macbeth (Donalbain), The Little Mermaid Jr. (Flounder), and most recently A Wrinkle in Time (Meg Murry), Charley is also the Secretary of the SLOHS Performing Arts Company. Thanks for coming and enjoy the show!



This is Kiana's second production with SLOHS. PReviously she was in Much Ado About Nothing, which got cancelled. She has taken over three years of classes and does auditions through her Agents Alicia Ruskin and Matt Fletcher for KMR agency and her manager Jayne Kell. She appreciates her agent's and manager's help to further her career, her mom's dedication to helping her with auditions, and her friends for their endless support. 

Flannery is a junior, and this is her seventh show with SLOHS Performing Arts Company. Most notably, she has been seen as Zeke / Several other dancing creatures in the Wizard of Oz, and five different women in Radium Girls. Though she's recovering from knee surgery and wasn't able to participate in Mamma Mia with same enthusiasm as other shows, she would like to thank Owen, Piper, her family, and Dr. Kasper for helping her be here today!

This is Jane's first production ever! she has always wanted to be in a musical, and she loves singing and playing musical instruments. She has been part of the SLCUSD Band Program for seven years playing french horn, and she hopes to continue playing music in college. She would like to thank her friends for making music with her and her parents for always encouraging her to try new things. 

This is Olivia's third show performing with SLOHS Performing Arts Company. Olivia has been honored to be the front-of-house manager for the last two years. Olivia has also been in the 24-Hour Musicals (High School Musical, Zombie Prom) as a member of the ensemble and Jake. She would like to thank her mom for all the years of dancing, singing, and acting lessons (as well as being her chauffeur), her boss for working around her rehearsal schedule and the wonderful cast and crew she has had the pleasure of working with over the last few years. She hopes you enjoy the show!

This is Lucia's first show with SLOHS PAC. Previously she could not have been seen in the background of shows such as Aladdin, Aida, Chicago, and RENT. THis is because she has never been in these particular musicals, or any others for the matter. 

This is Kate's second show with the SLOHS Performing Arts Company. Previously she played Mrs. Alma Macneil in Radium Girls. Before moving to California, Kate performed in productions of Into the Woods, Annie, Winnie the Pooh, Camp Rock, The Little Mermaid, and various Shakespearean dramas. She'd like to thank her parents, labrador retrievers (Scout and Piper), and her friends for supporting her in everyway. 

THis is Mary Kate's first show with SLOHS. Previously she was also in The Little Mermaid, Annie, and some other shows at SLO REP. She likes to play flute, but is terrible at sight reading. She wants to thank her parents for driving her around places and she would also like to thank the cast for their hard work. The end. 



Tea Fischer is so thrilled to be involved in another production with SLOHS Performing Arts Company! You may have recognized her from the fall play Radium Girls (Society Woman, Board Member #2, Customer, & Photographer). Fischer's experience being involved in this musical has been a heartwarming one, and she's very grateful for all the connections she made. She'd like to thank her parents for their love support, and help. Special thanks to Olivia Cusick for driving her home. But of course, she'd like to thank everyone in Mamma Mia who has made her laugh (even though she laughs all the time) and has made her experience here worthwhile. She hopes you enjoy this wonderful performance!



This is Rebecca's first time performing onstage with SLOHS Performing Arts. Previously, she was a stage technician for The Wizard of Oz, Radium Girls, and more. Onlookers could spot her in the wings of the stage painting grass and lines. In elementary school, she dazzled crowds as a sune dune and the front head of a rhinoceros. Now she shines as "woman in the crowd". Rebecca would like to thank her parents for sponsoring her meals and chauffeuring her to and from SLOHS. Shoutout to her siblings, Kassandra and Joshua, for getting her drinks from the convenience store. 

Bryant has been performing for three years now. He is currently a dancer and a theater performer. He has been in two productions at SLOHS as an ensemble performer. Due to the cancelation of last years production of Much Ado ABout Nothing, this is his debut performance. His passions include; singing, dancing, and acting. In his free time he loves hanging out with friends, going to the movies, and going to dance everyday. 


Kathryn Schaub

This is Zoe's 4th show at SLOHS. Zoe is thrilled to be part of this production as it is one of her favorite musicals of all time!! She has been part of over 12 shows, with various clubs, companies, and classes, including SLO REP and LOMS. You can find her belting Mamma Mia as she surfs in her free time. Zoe would like to thank her parents for driving her to and from rehearsals as well as her AMAZING director Ms. Eben for going above and beyond to give SLOHS a fantastic theatre program. 

Matanya is an American Actor and singer who is currently a junior at SLOHS. Matanya made her theatrical debut as a member of ensemble in Mamma Mia! and is in her second year of chior. Matanya would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her creative success. 

Jasmine sang in choir for about three years, and it's her first time doing a musical. 

Julian is excited to be performing Mamma Mia! He appeared as Jack Youngwood in Radium Girls earlier this year. Before acting, they took part in SLOHS theatre as a tech crew member for three shows (stage left Clue Crew forever). During their time in stage crew, Juliana worked as a rope, tornado, and basketball hoop; they would have loved to be featured as a disco ball in this show if the chance arose. When Julian is not taking part in a performance on this stage, they are often pursuing roles in other producitons (such as Father in A Wrinkle in Time) or spending time with theatre kids- such variety in the use of their time. They would like to thank their parents for their support throughout their involvement in theatre!



Kai Kelly is a very enthusiastic student and actress, and even though this is their first musical, they've been in many other performances through choir. They love singing and acting, and have been droving to do what they love by their best friend Charly, who always spreads the message of being who you are and doing what you want.

This is Avery's third show with SLOHS Performing Arts. She was in the ensemble of The Wizard of Oz, as well as RENT (Before it was canceled). While not on stage, Avery loves to travel and crochet in her free time. She hopes to explore more theatre opportunities in college. She hopes you enjoy the show!



Lucy is so excited to be back performing with SLOHS PAC! This is Lucy's second show, her first being her ensemble role in The Wizard of Oz. Lucy is very excited to be part of this musical and cannot wait for you to see it. Thank you so much for coming and enjoy the show!

This is Aubrey's 5th show with SLOHS Performing Arts. She has previouslybeen seen as Balthasar / Antonio in Much Ado About Nothing, Zeke in 24 hour Musical, Madame Curie, Dr. Martland, Elderly Widow and customer in Radium Girls, and their biggest debut, Tree #3 in The Wizard of Oz. She was most recently seen as Scut Farkus in SLO Rep's A Christmas Story, and has recently been promoted from actor to director of her synagogue's Annual Purim Spiel. Aubrey would like to thank their cousins who first introduced her to the amazing world of theatre and always help her choose audition  monologues and songs. Enjoy the show!



This is Zoe's third time playing a part in a theatre production. In 6th grade, they acted as Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the Hunk, in It's All Greek to Me! They were also a member of tech crew in Radium Girls. THey heavily appreciate their parents taking the time out of their busy teaching schedules to drive them to and from rehearsals and provide them with foods. 

Chase is a great actor, but a not so nice singer, so that's why he is in ensemble. He's almost acted as Conrad in Much Ado, but has acted as Edward Markley, Dr. Frederick Flinn, and Lovesick Cowboy in radium girls. The only musicals he has done were the last two 24 hour musicals, and ensemble for both, so not much of a surprise - he's ensemble again. Though it's not an actual role, Chase is still grateful and loves being part of the team!



This is Ivy's first musical at SLOHS. She has thoroughly enjoyed this experience and loves theater / musicals with all her heart. She is overjoyed to be in this production, and she loved Mamma Mia as a child. Previously, she was in The Wizard of Oz, once as a munchkin for SLOHS, and once at her previous middle school as an Ozian / Poppy. She can be seen in choir performances for SLOHS as well. She'd like to thank all her mentors that have helped her get this far in life,  and her family and friends that love and support her. She would also like to thank the company for giving her this opportunity to have such a fun time and a great experience. She can't wait to have many more fun experiences with SLOHS Performing Arts, and to further her performing journey.

This is her first real show with SLOHS Performing Arts, as the student directed show Much Ado last year was canceled. She would like to thank her parents who had to sit through her terrible driving on the way home from rehearsals. 

This will be Emily's 7th show with SLOHS! You might remeber her when she played Miss Scarley in Clue, Katherine Wiley in Radium Girls, or Hunk in The Wizard of Oz. She would like to thank her mother for putting up with the crazy schedule and last minute changes to her daily agenda. She is so excited to be a part of this fabulous production and for you to watch her dance her heart out. 



Frida vega is a sophomore here at SLOHS, and she is excited to perform in the ensemble for Mamma Mia! You may have recognized her from some of her previous roles as Nancy Jane Harlan in the fall production of Radium Girls, as the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, and even outside of the school where she recently performed as Mrs. Whatsit in SLO REP's production of A Wrinkle in Time. She hopes you enjoy the show!



This is Amelia's second show with SLOHS PAC even though she is just a freshman. She was a munchkin in The Wizard of Oz. Besides being able to act and sing, she dances. Amelia has danced at Ballet Theater SLO since 2016 and has been in numerous shows such as A Christmas Carol. Other than all those activities, Amelia is in band and can play the flute, piano, and trombone (she loves band a lot, like a lot), and one last profite du spectacle :)



Artistic Director

Thank you so much for attending Mamma Mia! As the theatre director here at San Luis Obispo High School, I am honored to have your support and thrilled to present this production to you. Set on a colorful Greek is-land, the plot serves as a background for a wealth of ABBA songs. A young woman about to be married discovers that any one of three men could be her father. She invites all three to the wedding without telling her mother, Donna, who was once the lead singer of Donna and the Dynamos. This show is full of heart, laughter, and pure joy.

From the moment it was announced that we'd be performing Mamma Mia, our SLO High theater students were ecstatic (their screams upon the reveal were deafening). This enthusiasm truly never waned. Throughout the process of putting this production together, these students have exhibited a tireless commitment to the work and to each other. With over twenty new members to program, many of our young performers have risen up as leaders and helped to create an inclusive, welcoming environment. I'm proud of all of our students who have prioritized kindness and compassion in rehearsals and beyond. Thank you to the cast and crew for your time and dedication.We have greatly appreciated the generous contributions of our sponsors, donors, and families. It does indeed take a village - extra special thanks to the parents of Mamma Mia for their support and encouragement. Thank you all for sharing in the music. We hope you laugh, sing, and lose yourself in Mamma Mia! We sure did. Without further ado, here we go (again) and enjoy the show!


Music Director


Stage Manager


Technical DirectorTechnical Crew


Lighting Designer


Hair / Make-up Design


Costume Designer


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew