GeoPaths at SJSU

Welcome to our website!

Our program application is open for Fall 2024 and beyond! 

Why join GeoPaths?

GeoPaths is about closing the broad gap in geoscience education equity by engaging, mentoring, and training the next generation of geoscientists.  We want to create a sustainable future by understanding Earth and its natural systems from diverse perspectives. We believe that everyone has a personal connection to the geosciences that is of value in studying the Earth. We want to foster your connection to the Geosciences! 

What does it mean to be a geoscientist?

It’s not “all field work all the time”. Geologists also conduct experiments in the lab, build computer models, or study museum specimens all to understand natural hazards, manage resources, and reconstruct the history of the Earth.

Who should apply to GeoPaths at SJSU?

First-year, second-year, and transfer students who are undeclared or interested in switching majors to geoscience should apply. Students from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, identify as LGBTQIA+, a woman, or physically challenged are especially encouraged to apply. 

Apply for SJSU GeoPaths through this Google Form.

Current and Incoming SJSU students should apply to GeoPaths by May 26th 2024 for the Fall 2024 semester. The deadline to register for classes is September 2024 

Transfer students should apply to GeoPaths by late August 2024 for the Spring 2025 semester. The deadline to apply to transfer to SJSU for the Spring 2025 semester is Sept 2024. Fall 2025 semester transfer deadline will be late November 2024.

Questions? Check out the other pages of our website or email

Find your GeoPath with us!