
Upcoming Events

GSA Anaheim

September 22-25, 2024

The Geological Society of America's annual meeting  is in Anaheim, California this year!

GEOPAths x East Side Union Summer Program

June 2024

June 3rd to June 14th 2024

10 East Side Union High School students have been accepted for our inaugural Earth Science Summer Experience Program

Check out our summer program website here

Previous Events

GEOPAths x Geol 28

Camping Trip to Yosemite National Park

April 2024

Geology 28 (Geology 28) and GEOPAths students joined forces for a 2 night overnight camping at Yosemite National Park

Lessons included:

El Capitan

How many intrusions form this granite wall?!

Night two crew

L to R Reza, Theo, Travis, Angelika, Cameron, Stephanie, Vetania, and Sirus

Yosemite Falls

L to R Travis, Jonathan, Alex, Sirus, Stephanie, Cameron, Melissa, Theo, Jack, Angelika, Ventania, and Reza

30F and raining :-D

The Bridelvail moraine

Angelika and Stephanie lead a spontenous lesson on using a Bruton compass at Red Hill Conservation area

Feldspar megacrysts 

(for J. Miller)

GEOPAths x East Side Union High School District

Marin Headlands Field Trip

March 2024

March 16th 2024

Departing Independence High School

40+ East Side 10th and 11th grade students and their teachers explored the transformation of the West Coast of North America from a subduction zone to a transform boundary with student groups lead by our very own GEOPAths students and mentors

The whole group poses for a picture on the beach at Rodeo Beach

A sketch by one of the student participates captures the GEOPAths student instructors and faculty mentors

Veronica (teal cap) leads a group of East Side Union High School students on a scavenger hunt to collect the geologic history of Pinnacles National Park

GEOPAths x East Side Union High School District

Pinnacles Field Trip

October 2023

Sunday October 21, 2023 

Departing Independence High School

40+ East Side 10th and 11th grade students and their teachers went on a scavenger hunt lead by our very own GEOPAths students and mentors

Reza, in lemon patterned shirt, holds a sign reading FAULT at the culminating stop for the field trip as De Anza college instructor Chris DiLeonardo makes the "Big Reveal" of the history of Pinnacles National Park at the Bear Gulch reservoir

GEOPAths Cohort Retreat 

September 2023

Friday - Sunday September 22-24, 2023

Point Montara Lighthouse, Montara, CA

Field trips, Food, and Fun!

GEOPAths students and mentors exploring the submarine turbidite deposits exposed at Devil's Slide in Half Moon Bay

L to R: Frankie, Darrian, Carlie, Carla, Vetania, Anaalicia, LeAnne, Reza, Daniel, and Veronica

Looking for evidence of the San Andreas fault at Mussel Rock

Watching the sunset on the beach at the hostel, Veronica takes a selfie with Daniel, LeAnne, Carlie, Reza, Frankie, Anaalicia, Vetania, and Darrian

Tarantula Festival @ Henry Coe State Park

October 2023

October 7th, 2023

GEOPAths students with mentor Ellen Metzger taught families the geologic history recorded in the rocks of Henry Coe Park

A pretty "sweet" activity uses candy to relate to the texture and properties of greywacke, radiolarian chert, serpentinite, and blue schist

GEOPAths and SJSU students and mentors pose at the tarantula sign

L to R: Melissa, Reza, Cameron, Daniel, Ellen, and Veronica

Photo in the 80x120 wind tunnel!

L to R Carlie, LeAnne, Veronica, Jorge, Ellen, Violet, Ashley, Aminah, Cindy Schmidt (our NASA host!), Dessi, and Kristina

Site visit to NASA!

April 2023

Friday April 7, 2023

Exploring exoplanets, looking for signs of life in the solar system and beyond, simulating flight and using remote sensing data to make new discoveries on neighboring planets! The GEOPAths students and mentors met geoscientists contributing to NASA's missions, right here in the South Bay! 

A sea arch cut into pillow basalts, evidence of volcanic eruptions on the seafloor

GEOPAths mentor Jorge explaining the geologic evidence for the San Andreas fault overlooking the Crystal Spring Reservoir

GEOPAths x East Side Union High School District 

Field Trip to the Marin Headlands

Spring 2023

Saturday March 18, 2023

40 ESUHSD students experienced the San Andreas, descended through the seafloor via an ophiolite complex, and observed the impacts of coastal erosion. 

Our SJSU GEOPAths students and mentors were the trip leaders, developing demonstrations and connecting to future geoscientists. 

Photo by C. Pietsch and E. Metzger

GEOPAths mentors (L to R) Jorge, Veronica, Frankie, Ashley, Hollianne, and Dessi pose after faciliating a successful trip for 40+ ESUHSD students to the Marin Headlands

GEOPAths student Seann collects a water sample from Alum Rock creek

GEOPAths x East Side Union High School District 

Field Trip to Alum Rock Park 

Fall 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Photo by Raymond Funada 

Photo by US National Park System

GEOPAths - Pinnacles Field Trip

October 2022

Sunday October 23, 2022 Departing SJSU at 9 am

Registration by Wednesday October 14th is required to attend:

We will travel to 3 mi round trip on the Bear Gulch Trail stopping along the way to observe and discuss the geology and natural history of the park. (More info on the trail conditions here)

Students from East Side Union high school venturing through the Bear Gulch Cave system at Pinnacles National Park

De Anza College instructor Chris DiLeonardo leads group instruction on the geologic history of Montara Beach

GEOPAths Cohort Retreat 

September 2022

Friday - Sunday September 23-25, 2022

Point Montara Lighthouse, Montara, CA

Field trips, Food, and Fun!

GEOPAths students and mentors relaxing back at the hostel

L to R: Veronica (in profile), Hollianne, Frankie, Dessi, and SJSU Lecturer Joe Petsche  and Darrian (in profile). Aminah and Jorge are facing the group. Where's Carlie? :-D 

Logo by TA TVITE + CO

GEOPAths Virtual Open House 

March 2022

Wednesday March 16 3:00-4:00 pm

Friday March 18 1:00-2:00 pm

Register for zoom link to attend here

Photo of a marine vertebrate fossil by Carlie Pietsch

Field trip to Capitola Beach

April 2021

We will walk south from the Capitola Esplanade along the beach to look at:

Registration by Friday April 8th is required to attend:

A group of East Side Union high school students gaze at the spring deposits at Alum Rock County Park

Field trip to Alum Rock Park 

November 2021

Saturday November 13th 9 am to 10:30 am. 

We will walk from the Youth Science Institute to the Mineral Springs, then continue along the Mineral Springs trail to look at:

Registration by Nov 8th is required to attend: 

A group of students and mentors stare down a well! 

Field trip to Santa Clara Valley Water 

November 2021

Friday November 5th 10am to 12 noon. 

Come learn where your water comes from, explore the Guadalupe River bed, learn how a percolation pond functions, and discover how fish can use ladders during our visit to Santa Clara Valley Water.  

Registration by Nov 1st is required to attend:

Logo by Lindsey Huffman

Geoscience career planning workshop at SJSU 

Monday October 11th 2021 12-1 pm

SJSU geoscience alumni panel

Monday October 18th 2021 12-1 pm. Contact us for a recording.