About GeoPaths

About the SJSU GeoPaths Program

What is GeoPaths?

GeoPaths is a National Science Foundation funded program for first-year, second-year, and transfer students who are undeclared or interested in switching majors to geoscience. The goal of the program is to create a knowledge and support system for new geology majors at San Jose State University through peer, graduate, and faculty mentorship and guidance.  Students from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, identify as LGBTQIA+, a woman, or physically challenged are especially encouraged to apply for the program. 

What should you expect in the GEOPAths program?

Check out our Events page to learn more about past and upcoming events.

Meet the Team

We are a group of geoscientists who are dedicated to making your pathway into the geosciences a fulfilling and successful experience.

Hollianne McClure

Graduate Student Mentor

 A graduate student at San Jose State University who also received her BS in Geology from San Jose State University. 

Dessire Valenzuela

Peer Mentor

An undergraduate student at San Jose State University. 

Veronica Amador

Peer Mentor

An undergraduate student at San Jose State University. 

Ashley Pina

Peer Mentor

An undergraduate student at San Jose State University. 

Ellen Metzger

Faculty Mentor at San Jose State

LeAnne Teruya

Faculty Mentor at San Jose State

Jessica Smay

Faculty Mentor at San Jose City College

Chris DiLeonardo

Faculty Mentor at DeAnza College