Borrowing Books

Checking Books Out:

    • Assuming these libraries start as a basic lending library, library cards are not necessary.

    • To start, have a binder on the counter with printed sheets. Many small libraries have a simple spreadsheet that asks for name, book title, phone # and date. Place a sign nearby that asks patrons to sign out books they take. Books do not need to be signed back in.

    • Decide if you want to set a standard loan period (i.e. checkouts are for 3 weeks) or will accept returns whenever they are finished with the book.

    • As the library collection grows/budget is available, see the Cataloging Resources section for more sophisticated cataloging options (library cards, online catalog, etc.)


    • Have a cart or basket near the entrance of the library, with a sign that says "Return/donate books here". People can leave book donations there as well.

      • Re-shelve books that are already labeled

      • Donations will need to be assessed - should they be added to your collection?


  • As the library grows, you may need to create policies to ensure smooth operation of the libraries.

  • Sample Policies: