Adding/Discarding Books

All libraries should have processes in place to add and discard (weed) books from their collections.

Adding Books:

  • Purchases

    • Purchases of new books should be determined based on budget and the needs/interests of your communities.

      • Once purchased, label and shelve.

  • Donations

    • Any donations received need to be assessed to determine if they are appropriate to be added to your library.

      • Criteria to consider: is the book in good condition? is it appropriate for the community (reading level, topic, etc., based on the sections you have curated in your different facilities)? is there enough shelf space to add it?

    • Sources for additional book donations:

Discarding (Weeding) Books:

  • Over time, books will need to be discarded due to damage, repeated use, irrelevancy, etc. You may also run into shelf space constraints.

  • For damaged materials, book tape could be used to make simple repairs (Scotch Book Tape is inexpensive and readily available - Amazon, Staples, Office Depot, etc.)

  • The CREW Method of weeding is widely used in the library profession. MUSTIE is the acronym for assessing and weeding books in your collection. If the book meets one (or more) of these six criteria, it could be discarded:

    • M = Misleading — factually inaccurate

    • U = Ugly – worn beyond mending or rebinding

    • S = Superseded – by a new edition of/or by a much better book on the subject

    • T = Trivial – of no discernible literary or scientific merit

    • I = Irrelevant to the needs and interests of the library’s community

    • E = Elsewhere – the material is easily obtainable from another library

  • If the book is still in readable condition, it may be able to be donated (check requirements of your donation partners). If the damage is significant, the book should be discarded/recycled.