Impact of social media on the brain

Mattias Ribbing - Lecture summary
Screen-smart – new tools for well-being in connection to social media

Mattias Ribbing is a ‘Grandmaster of memory’. He’s a Swedish memory-champion, author of 5 books about ‘brain and learning’. He was driven by own laziness, to find the best possible strategies of using the brain to full capacity.

This lecture will take us on an adventure into the brain. He will inform us about

People have to wonder: ‘Do I want to succeed in school and skip the fun things happening?’ Of course the answer should be ‘no’.

When you apply smart tools, both will be a success.

Keywords are focus and flexibility, which will bring you lots of new energy. Somehow you’ll be in an information rain.

Each human being has a funnel at our service: we catch some information, but not everything. Moving the funnel is exhausting. You can’t do it while fully focused.

Strategy to get more energy -> focussing on 1 thing only. That way you will gain more energy.

Practical tool: a 1 point to-do list

result: you won’t get tired, you will stay focused and regain your energy immediately

How to ‘have more time’ in 1 day

After a while you’ll see how efficient you worked. Perception of time has changed.

Pomodoro method works with boring things as well, not only the things that interest you.

You set your brain some new rules, your brain will like it.