Impact of social media on FOMO

FOMO: Our Relationship with Social Media

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is the anxiety we experience when we feel there’s something exciting happening elsewhere... and we’re not a part of it. It’s been around for awhile but these days, it’s usually triggered by social media.

FOMO - the fear of missing out: Bobby Mook

Chapel Hill native Bobby Mook, shared a current dysfunction in society called FOMO- The Fear of Missing Out. FOMO impedes us from achieving our goals as the question "Am I significant?" is the underlying disturbance. Bobby challenged us to reevaluate our reliance on technology and be content with living in the moment. 

7 ways to kill your FOMO

Ever feel like life is passing you by? 

Or do you often feel jealous because it seems like everyone else is living an exciting, adventurous life?

If these questions sound familiar, then you’re probably dealing with a limiting belief commonly known as “fear of missing out” or FOMO. So, what exactly is the fear of missing out? One study describes it as: Having general anxiety over the idea that other people might be having fulfilling experiences without you. Others take this a bit further and describe FOMO as being a “social anxiety” characterized by a continuous need to be connected with the activities of your friends or popular celebrities.

Unfortunately, FOMO is more common than you may think. In fact, one study found that 51% of teenagers actually experience anxiety when they are not sure where their friends are or what their friends are doing. While the fear of missing out is nothing new, the term “FOMO” became popular with the rise of social media. People who experience this phenomenon are likely to be active on social media, where they are constantly being exposed to pictures and statuses of acquaintances who are actively out doing something and having some type of experience. The anxiety you might experience with FOMO can hold you back in your personal and professional life. 

So if you feel like you frequently experience this limiting belief, then here are 7 ways to reduce the fears about not having all of the experiences that other people have.