
31 May 2017

The rain made the pathways muddy and weeds were growing there. We overlapped cardboard in the pathways because we were blocking the sunlight to stop the weeds from growing. We covered the cardboard with woodchips as a second layer. The woodchips make the cardboard stay in the right place and are easier to walk on.

Dhreeti & Auston

24 May 2017

Today we were testing the soil to find out if we can plant plants in our new garden beds. The soil was too purple, which meant it was too alkaline. That's bad for the plants. We need to wait a couple of months for it to be ready. The old beds were green, which means they're just right. We can plant some more plants in them.


17 May 2017

We wanted to put the cardboard onto the ground so the weeds wouldn't grow through and the path wouldn't be muddy. We will put wood chips on the cardboard so it will be a nice pathway.

Thank you to all the families who brought in cardboard from home.

We also planted garlic. To hear about this project, click on the picture with the garlic clove. (Cassandra is pointing to it!)

Teresa, Cassandra and Natasha

10 May 2017

Today we were sanding because if people touched the posts, they would get splinters. The sanding made the wood a bit smoother. You even had to sand the edges. It was pretty fun!

We collected rocks to prevent lawnmowers from getting destroyed and also to create a lizard shelter. We put the rocks under the tree.

We also made tee pees that help the peas when we grow them. It helps them by letting them climb up the bamboo sticks.

Elicia, Frederick and Anhduy