Book 229A – Edgar Allen Poe explains the EARTH Botany apple and pear TREE wars VIA the Diane Borchardt orchard MURDER trial database
Post date: Mar 9, 2021 9:50:26 PM
Book 229A
– Edgar Allen Poe explains the EARTH Botany apple and pear TREE wars
the Diane Borchardt orchard MURDER trial database and the West Allis
…. Orchard Street beating of Bartlett pear Mayor Barrett AND the Barlett pear
.... BART Simpson murder of Karen Simek September 28, 2018
Book-229A analysis by Herb Zinser translates books and their possible messages.
Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book’s story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces … the pieces that explain WHY …. that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and basic science high school and college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
Let’s look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
The bit is a basic unit of information used in computing and digital communications. A binary … The encoding of data by discrete bits was used in the punched cards invented by Basile Bouchon and Jean-Baptiste Falcon (1732), developed by …
Bit numbering · Bit-length · Bit (disambiguation) · Array of bits
words created with Bitten, words starting with Bitten, words start Bitten.
21. an exacted portion: the tax bite. 22. the occlusion of the teeth. 23. a short excerpt, fragment, or bit: a visual bite from a film; word bites from poems. 24.
Ul mate (relationship /mate)
Ul –> Underwriter Labs
molecule electrons in a printed circuit layer
(Sandwich configuration) ……
the food molecules Sandwich parallel equivalent to
Sand switch (silicon dioxide electronic) … code
Sand witch (Halloween code of black hats)
Sand wich –> Sandwich (noun .. word food for thought)
One of the key concepts in electronics is
the printed circuit board or PCB. ...
A PCB is sort of like a layer cake or lasagna or a ham sandwich– there are alternating layers of different …
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A PCB is sort of like a layer
Ham Sandwich Recipes | ThriftyFun
Ham Sandwich extension formats
–> human military agents –>
General Carter Ham … hamming code Recipes
Pentagon HAM sandwich agents have › … › Oral Care Center › Basics › Mouth and Teeth Anatomy
Adults have more teeth than children;
most adults have 32 teeth. Among these teeth are 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, and 12 molars (including 4 wisdom …
Among these teeth are 8 incisors
Among these teeth are 8 incisors
Among these teeth are 8 incisors …..
8 bits = 1 bite (byte)
Feb 10, 2017 – Historical accident. Early computers didn’t necessarily use 8–bit bytes. The term “byte” was coined in the 1950’s to refer to the addressable blocks of memory in …
correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
most adults have 32 teeth.
most adults have 32 teeth.
most adults have 32 teeth …bio-computer processor
In computing, a word is the natural unit of data used by a particular processor design. … Modern processors, including embedded systems, usually have a word size of 8, 16, 24, 32, or 64 bits,
while modern general purpose
human bio-oral-computers usually use 32 bits …..
Hamming Code (1 bit error correction)
Achieves the theoretical limitfor minimum number of check bits to do 1-bit error-correction. Bits of codeword are numbered: bit 1, bit 2, …, bit n.
Check bits are inserted at positions 1,2,4,8,.. (all powers of 2).
The rest are the m data bits.
Each check bit checks (as parity bit) a number of data bits.
Each check bit checks a different collection of data bits.
Check bits only check data, not other check bits.
Hamming Code (1 bit error correction)
Hamming Code (1 bit error correction)
Hamming Code (1 bit e )
Ham……… Code (1 bite correction)
The Ming dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China – then known as the Great Ming Empire – for 276 years (1368–1644) following the collapse of the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty.
Religion: Heaven worship, Taoism, Confuciani…
Government: Absolute monarchy
Capital: Nanjing (Yingtian prefecture); (1368–…
History of the Ming dynasty · List of emperors of the Ming … · Ming dynasty painting
History. The Ming dynasty, which succeeded the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (1206–1368), was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu, who was of humble origins, later assumed the reign title of Hongwu. The Ming became one of the most stable but also one of the most autocratic of all Chinese dynasties.
The Ming dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China
The Ming dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China
The Ming dynasty was the ruling dynasty of Chin / mouth molecule software systems ……
Jinhua ham is a type of dry-cured ham named after the city of Jinhua, where it is produced, in the Zhejiang province of eastern China. The ham is used in …
Production · Culture · Flavour analysis · Pesticide scandal
Jinhau ham Ming dynasty of Chin
,,,,,,,,,,,,, ham Ming dynasty of Chin
………… hamming code …. molecule dynasty of
C = Carbon atoms in bio-physics format
C = Chin of China
This is the best cured ham in the world:
Chinese Jinhua ham + ming dynasty –>
equation ………. hamming code of the
chin of General Ham when eating
a ham (molecule input printed circuit board)
Isn’t it beautiful? Look at that beautiful ruby color! But wait til you taste it! Wow! Kazaam! There’s nothing quite like it: dense, chewy, bursting with layers of subtle flavors behind the first hit of salty/sweetness
Error Detection and Correction
1. Introduction
2. Block Coding
3. Linear Block Codes
4. Cyclic Codes
5. Checksum
Grilled Ham, Wisconsin Brie & Blue Cheese Sandwich
Discover all-natural breakfast sausage,
Canadian Bacon and more.
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A PCB is sort of like a layer
A Printed circuit board
is sort of like a layer ……
another protein (ham sandwich)
intellectual message layer
Grilled Ham, Wisconsin Brie & Blue Cheese Sandwich
Discover all-natural breakfast sausage,
Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Ca …………Bacon
Cause…….Bacon … layer of bacon
Discover Nature’s …..
all-natural atomic/molecular English language words/ nouns /concepts …..
breakfast sausage,
…………ast …..sage
…………astrophysics wisdom for Earthlings,
Canadian Bacon
Canadian Bacon
Ca …………Bacon
Cause and effect process
…….Sir Francis Bacon ….. software layer of bacon gives
…….Sir Fr……….Bacon …..
…….Stir Fried Bacon …. molecule message system
….. Nature’s bacon food ought CAUSE thoughts
of Sir Francis Bacon …..
(food for thought)
…….Sir Francis Bacon ….. software layer of bacon gives
…….Sir Fr……….Bacon …..
…….Stir Fried Bacon
Two sizzling pieces of fried bacon on hot pan
Two sizzling pieces of fried bacon on hot pan
Two si……………………. fr bacon …..Two sir ………………… francis bacon messages about
The Two Cultures is the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that “the intellectual life of the …
The lecture · Implications and influence
Two sizzling pieces of fried bacon on hot pan
Two sizzling pieces of fried bacon on hot pan
Two sizzling pieces of fried bacon on hot pan
Two sizzling pieces of fried bacon on hot land / earth
Hamming Code (1 bit error correction). Achieves the theoretical limit for minimum number of check bits to do 1-bit error-correction. Bits of codeword are …
Computer Network | Hamming Code
Redundant bits –
Parity bits – A parity bit is a bit appended to a data of binary bits to ensure that the total number of 1’s in the data are even or odd. …
General Algorithm of Hamming code – …
Determining the position of redundant bits – …
Determining the Parity bits –
Error detection and correction –
Hamming Code bit ten ……. military television codes
Rating: 7.1/10 – 13,862 votes
Bitten Poster. When she left Stonehaven – ‘for good this time’ – Elena Michaels thought she had left the world of supernatural behind. Until the night she got a …
Full Cast & Crew · Bitten (2014-2016) · User Reviews · Plot Summary
Bitten Poster. When she left Stonehaven –
Bitten Poster. When she left Stonehaven –
Bitten Poster. When she left Stone/rock /marble
/limestone / granite stone atoms …… the stone
atomic mass collects data from humans (alive or in a coffin database) …….
the accumulated / collected data of several years of decades ……. creates a stone/rock THOUGHT life forms
(Frankenstein castle or a stone office building) ..
that then radiates data in various
UFO (Undefined Formats)
Bitten Poster. When she left Stonehaven –
Bitten Poster. When she left Stonehaven –
Bitten Poster. When she left Stone haven … such as
Below model of
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms ….
The Woolworth building lobby marble/rock atoms collect data/thoughts form
the human data stream that flows thru the lobby …..
thus over 20 / 30 years the building becomes
the accumulated knowledge of 1 million people;
in addition, the Carl Jung collective GROUP of
Woolworth nationwide department stores …..
is the basis for a the Carl Jung atomic collective
sub-consciousness GROUP MIND composed of
20 million customers in years 1910 thru 1950 …..
thus the accumulated thoughts, ideas, and experiences
are ROUTED to the Woolworth primary database site
…. the ROCK building equation
… ROC of thinK = region of convergence of thinKers
Consequently, the building becomes
an intellectual life form in itself ,,,…
a Darwin species darwinthe
Above … stone / concrete gargoyle …..
Frank Woolworth, the building’s patron and namesake.
Woolworth Building Lobby Gargoyle …..
and its I/O information path (Input and Output) ….
thus the building ans its
living stone language DATABASE ….
gargoyle OUTPUT data route
–> gar + goyle —> information garden ROUTE
goyle /doyle
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Governor Doyle)
………….code Goya
and blood arteries social economic secret languages
and financial systems
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (1746–1828) is regarded as the most important Spanish artist of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Over the …
Above, Goya …… an office building /
atomic rock castle / stone church … and its accumulated DATABASE
……as a vertical rock/iron/glass BUILDING …..
a Darwin life form within
Nature’s vast existential expression system
and its variety of formats and
graphic/ pictorial languages, etc ….
Francisco de Goya’s
Dream of St. Joseph
(code Dream .. D ream .. Data 500 page ream ….
code Joe = Job order entry systems) ,
the oil painting stolen from a private home in Madrid.
Photo: via Art Bible
the oil painting stolen
the oil painting stolen
.. e oil painting stolen
..electron orbital painting message on
the DATA TRANSFER from a castle / office building …..
and its assigned human representative / agent …..
who has serious communication problems › P › Pink Floyd
“Eclipse” is the tenth and final track from British progressive rock band Pink Floyd’s 1973 album, “The Dark Side of the Moon”. It is by Roger Waters, with harmonies by David Gilmour. … In a 1987 interview with Karl Dallas in the book, Pink Floyd: Bricks in the Wall, the …
Your Source for Pink Floyd Lyrics, Albums, and Songs. Find the lyrics to every Pink … (see below for videos, facts, and links) All that you touch. All that you see
All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)
And all…
End of the stone/rock/marble atomic data system ….Woolworth skyscraper building explanation.
Bit ten –> data bit ten
Bitten is a Canadian television series based on the
Women of the Otherworld series of books by author Kelley Armstrong. The name was inspired by the first …
No. of seasons: 3
Based on: Women of the Otherworld; by Kelley …
No. of episodes: 33 (list of episodes)
Original network: Space, Syfy
List of Bitten episodes · Greyston Holt · Elena Michaels · Women of the Otherworld
Women of the Otherworld series
Women of the Otherworld series
Women of the Otherworld series ……. such as –>
Woman –> Happy Rockerfeller explains
stone / rock atoms ….. such as a limestone house ….
limestone atoms / electron layers collect data from
the human data containers within ….
humans that radiate information data fields
and also talk IBM BAL language ….. ver.BAL
Above code
–> twenty minute –> twenty min –>
twenty amino acids (human container) …. walk /travel LINK
to geology rock/stone … Limestone atoms at Lime house
….. whose atomic mass collects data from
human data carriers …… VIA
Gravity field data transfer,
light radiation or reflected light, etc
Human bio-computer data devices within a
limestone rock HOUSE ….. impart data fields to ROCK ….
thus over several years ……
the Limestone atoms acquire human THOUGHT life and feelings
New typical cotswold limestone town house
New typical cotswold limestone town house in popular English tourist destination Bourton on the Water Gloucestershire England UK
New typical cotswold limestone town house
New typical cotswold limestone town house
In a right angled triangle, the cotangent of an angle is: The length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the opposite side. The abbreviation is cot. cot θ = adjacent / opposite. It is not commonly used, and is equal to 1/tangent.
Limestone equation –> Li + me + stone –>
Language interface
….. metabolism giving meta-language …. of stone ROC /rocks
Creation Science Today – Scientific evidence for creation
Creation Science Today – Scientific evidence for creation
Kaibab and Toroweap Limestone,
South Rim,
Grand Canyon,
Arizona Photos by Roger Gallop. «
Limestone layers as
Nature’s geological …..
………………….logic electron printed circuits ,
South Rim,
Grand (Unified Theory) Canyon (Can accomplish),
Ari z ona ..
Arise Z
David Livingstone (/ˈlɪvɪŋstən/; 19 March 1813 – 1 May 1873) was a Scottish physician, Congregationalist, and pioneer Christian missionary[2] with the London Missionary Society, an explorer in Africa, and one of the most popular British heroes of the late 19th-century Victorian era. He had a mythical status that operated on a number of interconnected levels: Protestant missionary martyr, working-class “rags-to-riches” inspirational story, scientific investigator and explorer, imperial reformer, anti-slavery crusader, and advocate of commercial and colonial expansion.
His fame as an explorer and his obsession with learning the sources of the Nile River was founded on the belief that if he could solve that age-old mystery, his fame would give him the influence to end the East African Arab-Swahili slave trade. “The Nile sources,” he told a friend, “are valuable only as a means of opening my mouth with power among men. It is this power which I hope to remedy an immense evil.”[3]:289 His subsequent exploration of the central African watershed was the culmination of the classic period of European geographical discovery and colonial penetration of Africa
His meeting with Henry Morton Stanley on 10 November 1871 gave rise to the popular quotation “Dr Livingstone, I presume?”
Dr Livingstone, I presume?”
Dr Livingstone, I presume?”
Dr Living stone, Ip address …. resume?”
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.
IP address spoofing · Virtual IP · IP addresses · Link-local address
IP stands for Internet Protocol: The protocols are connectivity guidelines and regulations that govern computer networks. 2. IP addresses are assigned to computers, not people. The IP address you see—the one you’re connected to a network and the Internet with—is assigned to the computer you’re on.
Ip Lookup · What is a Private IP Address? · IP address basics · Hide My Ip
Limestone is an organic, sedimentary rock.
This means it was formed from the remains of tiny shells and micro-skeletons deposited on the sea bed. Over the years this sediment was compressed to form solid rock.
Limestone is formed in
layers – called bedding planes.
What is Limestone? · Limestone (Karst) Features … · Limestone features above …
George Johnstone Stoney FRS (15 February 1826 – 5 July 1911) was an Irish physicist. He is most famous for introducing the term electron as the “fundamental ...
Known for: The Stoney scale, Electron
Influenced: J. J. Thomson
Fields: Physics
Institutions: Queen’s College Galway, Queen’s …
William Ewart Gladstone, FRS, FSS (/ˈɡlædstən/; 29 December 1809 – 19 May 1898) was a British statesman of the Liberal Party. In a career lasting over sixty years, he served for twelve years as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, spread over four terms beginning in 1868 and ending in 1894. He also served as Chancellor of the Exchequer four times.
Gladstone was born in Liverpool to Scottish parents. He first entered the House of Commons in 1832, beginning his political career in the Conservative Party as a High Tory. Gladstone served as a minister in both of Robert Peel‘s governments, and in 1846 joined the breakaway Peelite faction, which eventually merged into the new Liberal Party in 1859. He was Chancellor under Lord Aberdeen (1852–1855), Lord Palmerston (1859–1865), and Lord Russell (1865–1866). Gladstone’s own political doctrine—which emphasised equality of opportunity, free trade, and laissez-faire economic policies—came to be known as Gladstonian liberalism. His popularity amongst the working-class earned him the sobriquet “The People’s William”.
In 1868, Gladstone became Prime Minister for the first time. Many reforms were passed during his first ministry, including the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland and the introduction of secret voting. After electoral defeat in 1874, Gladstone resigned as Leader of the Liberal Party;
William E. Glad stone ….. geography/geology class
elect oral
electron orbital voting system
AND stone/rock houses, office buildings,
retail store buildings,
and government buildings
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy “Happy” Rockefeller (June 9, 1926 – May 19, 2015) was a philanthropist and the second wife of the 49th Governor of New York …
Vice President: Nelson Rockefeller
Children: 6, including Mark Rockefeller
Political party: Republican
Spouse(s): James Murphy; (m. 1949; div. 1963); …
Childhood and family · Marriages
Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy “Happy” Rockefeller Margaretta Large Fitler Murphy “Happy” Rockefeller ……………….. Large Fitler …… phy “Happy” Rock
……………….. Large Fitler …… phy “Happy” Rock
……………….. Large Fitler …… phy “Happy” Rock
……………….. Large Filter …… geography “Happy” Rock
……………….. Large Filter …… geography “Happy” Rockfeller Center
……………….. Large Filter ….. Rock social science information
END of the explanation
Rating: 7.1/10 – 13,862 votes
Bitten Poster. When she left Stonehaven – ‘for good this time’ – Elena Michaels thought she had left the world of supernatural behind. Until the night she got a
Bit ten –> ten great stories by Edgar Allan Poe
Bitten. Elena Michaels is the world’s only female werewolf. And she’s tired of it. Tired of a life spent hiding and protecting, a life where her most important job is ...
Elena Michaels Elena Michaels Elementary atoMic
……………………. Michaels
is the world’s only female werewolf
is the world’s only female werewolf
is the world’s only fe = ferrous oxide /iron atomic blood bio-computer software program = werewolf
is the world’s only female werewolf
is the world’s only female werewolf
is the world’s only fe = ferrous oxide /iron atomic blood bio-computer software program = werewolf
the 4-legged wolf …… molecular social science software evolution into
the 4-legged German Shepard
(the police dog intellectual species) …..
that then became the
EARTH LAB 2-legged human species with
language LAB identifier
MR. Wolfe family and its
……………fe –> ferrous oxide IRON atomic
………….. fe –> female agents ……
thus the unanswered question ….
WHERE is Mr. Wolfe? …. no answer …. thus decay
W…ere…………….Wolf –> thus the emergence
of werewolf females (with language deficiencies)
thus ..
the equivalent picture message below.
the COMPUTER EARTH atomic data entry system with marble
Construction marble is a stone which is composed of calcite, dolomite or serpentine which is capable of taking a polish. More generally in construction, specifically the dimension stone trade, the term “marble” is used for any crystalline calcitic rock (and some non-calcitic rocks) useful as building stone.
Marble · Makrana marble · Carrara marble · Yule Marble
In this quarry the marble is being sawn into blocks for the production of dimension stone. Photo copyright iStockphoto / vallefrias. Marble is composed of calcium carbonate. … Marble is composed of calcite, a mineral with a Mohs hardness of three.
The above marble BANK lobby of marble / granite atoms of heavy mass ….. collects data from the human
data containers that walk thru the lobby.
The data transfer …
a) marble atomic mass gravity pull …..
can pull data fields from the humanoid entities
b) reflected light from the humanoid travels to the marble atoms with photon data packages
c) walking …human weight/pressure on the lobby floor …. the data entry process into the marble floor atoms/electron as a keyboard
End of the COMPUTER EARTH atomic data entry MODEL
Items 1 – 18 of 35 – The original 100% cotton canvas tents for camping and glamping. Sibley Bell Tents, tipi tents, wall tents, cabin tents, and more! Free Shipping …
Sibley 400 Ultimate SE · Sibley Bell Tents · Cabin Tents · Sibley Deluxe
The New York Times incomplete explanations of events
Apr 4, 2009 – Police officers left the scene of a shooting Saturday in Pittsburgh. … Nathan Harper of the Pittsburgh police said the gunman, Richard Poplawski …
On April 4, 2009, a shootout occurred at 1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights … According to Pittsburgh Police Chief, Nathan Harper, Poplawski was armed with a semi-automatic AK-47-style rifle, a shotgun and three handguns (a .357 …
Deaths: 3
Date: April 4, 2009; 7:03 a.m. – c. 11:03 a.m
Non-fatal injuries: 3 (2 by gunfire, including the …
Weapons: WASR-10 semi-automatic rifle; 12 g…
Shootings · Perpetrator and victims · Perpetrator · Aftermath…Poplawski-who…Pittsburgh…/201702160195
Feb 16, 2017 – Court appoints two new defense attorneys to file petition challenging the conviction of Richard Poplawski, who killed three police officers.
On April 4, 2009, a STANDARD MODEL shootout
occurred at
1016 Fairfield Street in the Stanton Heights
… H = alphabet location 8 = eight.
Jump to Poems – She also edited and promoted the works of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher Percy Bysshe Shelley. Until the 1970s, Mary Shelley was known mainly for her efforts to publish Percy Shelley’s works and for Frankenstein. … It lists first editions of works authored by Mary Shelley, except where indicated.
Novels · Travel narratives · Children’s literature · Biographies
She also edited and promoted the works
of her husband, the Romantic poet and philosopher
Jump to Poems and Frankenstein
Jump to Poems
Jump to Poems
Jump to Poems
Jump to Poe –> Parallel Edgar Allan Poe
bisynchronous communication. Data transmitted between 2 synchronised computers; signals are sent between each portion of data so the sending computer knows when the receiving computer is ready for the next data stream.
Jefferson’s Draft of a Constitution for Virginia. To the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and all others whom it may concern, the Delegates of the said Commonwealth2 send greeting. … The said state shall hereafter for ever9 be governed as a Commonwealth.
Among those who drafted the 1776 Constitution were George Mason and James Madison. Thomas Jefferson was Virginia’s representative to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia at the time, and his drafts of the Virginia constitution arrived too late to be incorporated into the final document.
Historic constitutions · 1776 · 1902 · Current constitution (1971)
Big Ten Universities is a Division 1-A college rugby conference founded in summer 2012 by ten of the twelve schools that then made up the Big Ten Conference …
Members · Results · Regular season · Big Ten 7s
The Big Ten Conference was established in 1895 when Purdue University president James H. Smart and representatives from the University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, Northwestern University, and University of Wisconsin gathered at Chicago’s Palmer House Hotel to set …
History · Commissioners · Conference titles · Football
John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was an American law enforcement administrator and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation …
Political party: Republican
Education: George Washington University (LLB, …
Succeeded by: Clarence M. Kelley
Resting place: Congressional Cemetery
The Private Files of J. Edgar … · J. Edgar Hoover Building · Clarence M. Kelley…/Virginia-Tech-shooting-Who-was-gunman-Ross-Truett-A…
Dec 12, 2011 – One media report about the Virginia Tech shooting has made a connection between the real estate office where Ross Truett Ashley allegedly ……/Ross-Truett-Ashley-Mystery-Virginia-Tech-gunman-sna…
Dec 10, 2011 – Mystery over what drove Viriginia Tech gunman to snap as friends say he was a quiet student who never hinted at violence. … The gunman was identified Friday as Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, about 10 miles from the Virginia Tech ……va…/gIQAg0wbsO_blog.html
Dec 13, 2011 – This photo provided by the Virginia State Police shows Ross Truett Ashley, age 22. (AP). “We’re still working toward establishing and identifying …
code –> famous –> fam + ous –> farm house
.. for example….
Georgia O’Keeffe farm house …..
O’Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][4]
in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T
in the Solar System sunlight ….. covering earth ….
the sunlight umbrella region ….
known as the EM-field prairie town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
Georgia O’keeffe explains
EARTH language systems ……
Deforrest cascade amplifier,
Tito of Yugoslavia, etc.…Itasca%2C…
Rating: 4.1 – 24 reviews
Reviews from Boise Cascade Office Products employees about Boise Cascade Office Productsculture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job …
Company profile & key executives for
Boise Cascade Office Products Corp (BCOP:-) including description, corporate address, management … Itasca, IL 60143.
Boise Cascade … agent for earth electron systems …….. › Print Edition › Business
Jul 27, 2004 – Boise Cascade Corp.,
a major force in the U.S. forest products ...
U.S. forest products ...
U.S. forest products ...
U.S. forest products ….. with Lee DeForest ..
Jun 26, 2018 – Lee de Forest: Lee de Forest, American inventor of the Audion vacuum tube, which made possible live radio broadcasting and became the key …,_Wisconsin
DeForest, is a village in Dane County, Wisconsin, United States, along the Yahara River. The population was 8,936 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Madison …
County: Dane
Area code(s): 608
Elevation: 948 ft (289 m)
Geography · Demographics · DeForest Area Public …
Jump to Audio frequency amplification – One of de Forest’s areas of research at Federal Telegraph … He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
Known for: Three-electrode vacuum-tube …
Parent(s): Henry Swift DeForest; Anna Robbins
Relatives: Calvert DeForest (grandnephew)
Awards: IEEE Medal of Honor (1922); Elliott Cr…
Radio Telephone Company · Employment at Federal … · Reorganized Radio …
The Audion was an electronic detecting or amplifying vacuum tube invented by American electrical engineer Lee de Forest in 1906. … The many practical applications for amplification motivated its rapid development, and the original Audion …
History · Patents and disputes · Kenotron and Pliotron · Applications and use
He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
He called this a “cascade amplifier“,
which eventually
… Charles Darwin language evolution ….
advanced Doorbell …… Cascade Circuit Diagram
– Learning Electronics of electron objects / atomic office supplies
and Nature’s data generating … social systems mission
Doorbell Cascade. Sometimes you have to do it the hard way, even if doing it the easy way is an option. That is the case here. The intention is to add a second …
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may …
A vibration sent through
the earth returns an “echo signature“
using the same …
EARTH geography surface … land electron route code
Vin circuit of Vinburn RD
Lee DeForest ……..
of Sun Prairie Wisconsin
……………………………….. sin function signals, etc …. of
to Lake Okeechobee ……
FLOOR / an Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION area of Florida
Georgia Totto O’Keeffe (November 15, 1887 – March 6, 1986) was an American artist. She was best known for hee paintings of
enlarged flowers (sunshine state), New York ……/Route-Sun_Prairie-53590-Wisconsin-United_States-t…
Michelin Sun Prairie – De Forest driving directions. Michelin routes: fast and accurate route planning.
Earth ….. geology …….
rock/soil atom mass & thoughts …… language Early Life
Georgia ……
Georgia atoms see the O –> Sun Circle in
the Sky via sunlight energy signals arriving
on EARTH land /
the Richard P. Feynman interaction …..
electro-magnetic field coupling 137
with solid atoms
Georgia USA ….. sister Georgia Russia
Geo rg –> geography region atoms see/look per Tom Sawyer books
….. Atom saw (part verb tense of optics)
Georgia atoms see the O –> Sun Circle › Arts & Living › Books
Jan 24, 2010 – “In the First Circle,” containing 96 chapters,
is about a fifth longer than the original English translation,and it is a vastly better novel,though the …
The thrilling Cold War masterwork by the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Gulag Archipelago, published in full for the first time. “A great and important book, …
………….. dr I. S Sol z hen –>
Dr. Information systems … Solar system messages for
farmer /thinkers that READ and THINK clearly
… such z hen –> Zinser, Karl Henry and some others
Georgia O’Keeffe ….. Solar system region
Georgia O’Keeffe .. Sun
Georgia O’Keeffe .. farm experience
Earth humanoid living in the umbrella of sunlight
Earth ….. Early life
in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T in the town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
O’Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][4]
in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T
in the Solar System sunlight ….. covering earth ….
the sunlight umbrella region ….
known as the EM-field prairie town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T (Topology space ) of
the sunlight thought photons / language ……
at geography land of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
sunlight thought photons / language ..
sunlight thought photons / language ..
sunlight thought photons / language MAPPING to
earth land surface ….EARTH LAB word labels/nouns / etc at
Sun Prairie
a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T
Her maternal grandfather
George Victor Totto,
for whom O’Keeffe was named,
was a Hungarian count who came to
the United States in 1848.[2][7]
George Victor Totto,
George Victor Totto,
George Victor To –> To
Definition: A topological space is said to be a T0 Space or a Kolmogorov Space if for every pair of distinct points , there exists open neighbourhoods of and of ……/kolmogorov-topological-spaces-t0-space…
Feb 7, 2017 – Kolmogorov topological spaces ( T0-spaces) …
general-topology ….. Browse other questions tagged general-topology or ask your own question …
T 0 K –> County Road T …….Ok = Okeefee and her signals
O’Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][4] in a farmhouse located at 2405
Hwy T in the town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
T 0 K –> County Road T …….Ok = Okeefee and her signals
Her maternal grandfather
George Victor Totto ….. To & TTo
—> To space (line) and
TT (T square ..surface area of a topology)
…… such a TT …42nd street
–> Times square in Manhattan … the surface area of TIME
Born Georgia Totto O’Keeffe
November 15, 1887
Town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, U.S. A …. routing name equation
Georgia To tt (surface area of a round O) O’Keeffe
Dec 12, 2017 – everywhere, but you need to experience the “Big O” first hand – click here for more information on our Lake Okeechobee bass fishing guides.
She attended Town Hall School in Sun Prairie.
By age ten she had decided to become an artist,[9]
and she and her sister received
blood arteries software language ….
art instruction from local watercolorist Sara Mann …..
on the water molecule continuum and its water language ….
as such …… human body contains water THOUGHT molecules.
she and her sister received art instruction from
local water colorist Sara Mann ….. on the theory of
global water system exist on the earth surface ……
and that water molecule continuum generates messages
Lake Okeechobee also known as Florida’s Inland Sea, is the largest freshwater lake in the state … Mayaimi, meaning “big water,” is the oldest known name, as reported in the 16th …. Six thousand years later after it was formed, residents and agencies across the state are now raising the questions: Is it too late for Lake O?
History · Hurricanes · Environmental concerns · Geology
… key …..echo
…. key Okee –> route back to
Fe region (Ferrous iron Highway 26 protons Watertown) ….. giving
Okee Fe …….
Watertown …. Sun Prairie area
Her maternal grandfather George Victor Totto
Her maternal grandfather George Victor Totto
Her maternal grandfather George Victor Totto …. Hungarian count
George Victor Totto …. Hungarian count
George Victor Totto …. Hungarian count
Geo …………. Totto …. ………arian count
Geo …………. Totto …. ………arian count
Geography . Tit o …. ………arian count
Josip Broz Tito, nicknamed Babo, (May 7, 1892 – May 4, 1980) was the dictatorial leader of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, from 1945 until his ……/titos-last-secret-how-did-he-keep-yugoslavs-togethe…
When Marshal Tito, president of Yugoslavia, died on May 4, 1980, the representatives of 122 states, including an impressive array of world leaders, attended his …
It also discusses how the prestige Tito’s Yugoslavia enjoyed enabled its leader to borrow extensively from the West and keep the economic problems of the …
Tit o explains Yugoslavia biology structures with LABELS
Tit o …above EARTH LAB specimen as English words assigned to
important BEDROOM female devices …. management…/054422810…
Woman: An Intimate Geography and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. … Woman: An Intimate Geography Paperback – August 5, 2014. … This item:Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier Paperback $13.56. › Europe › Norway › Eastern Norway › Buskerud
Hole Municipality Tourism: TripAdvisor has 514 reviews of Hole Municipality … Hole Municipality, Norway … TripAdvisor Top-rated Hotels in Hole Municipality …,_Norway
Hole is a municipality in Buskerud county, Norway. It is part of the traditional region of Ringerike. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Vik. Hole is located around lake Tyrifjorden and extends to the woodland around Oslo.,_Wisconsin
DeForest, is a village in Dane County, Wisconsin, United States, along the Yahara River. The population was 8,936 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Madison …
County: Dane
Area code(s): 608
Elevation: 948 ft (289 m)
Geography · Demographics · DeForest Area Public …
Jump to Audio frequency amplification – One of de Forest’s areas of research at Federal Telegraph … He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
Known for: Three-electrode vacuum-tube …
Parent(s): Henry Swift DeForest; Anna Robbins
Relatives: Calvert DeForest (grandnephew)
Awards: IEEE Medal of Honor (1922); Elliott Cr…
Radio Telephone Company · Employment at Federal … · Reorganized Radio …
The Audion was an electronic detecting or amplifying vacuum tube invented by American electrical engineer Lee de Forest in 1906. … The many practical applications for amplification motivated its rapid development, and the original Audion …
History · Patents and disputes · Kenotron and Pliotron · Applications and use
He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
He called this a “cascade amplifier“,
Work Forest. Learn more about what Wake Forest researchers are … The Magic of Lovefeast at Wake Forest. The most wonderful time of the year. We Saved you …
Wake Forest University · Academics · Wake Forest College · Apply
He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
He called this a “cascade amplifier“,
Wake Forest University …. brain dead
A highly regarded established casket company providing a variety of funeral caskets at wholesale prices up to 85% off from funeral home pricing. For more …
Cremation Casket · Solid Wood Casket Oak Finish · Caskets · Wood Caskets
Jun 12, 2018 – Helpful tips about what to know when selecting caskets for a funeral – the material of the casket like wood caskets or metal caskets, the interior .
What is the difference between
a coffin and a casket?
The difference is basically one of design. Coffins are tapered at the head and foot and are wide at the shoulders. Caskets are rectangular in shape and are usually constructed of better quality timbers and feature higher standards of workmanship.
He called this a “cascade amplifier“, which eventually …
He called this a “casket amplifier“,
…… ask a questions on bio-radio ….. Lee DeForest
Wake Forest University is a private research university in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, founded in 1834. The university received its name from its original location in Wake Forest, north of Raleigh, North Carolina, the state capital. Wikipedia
A wake is a social gathering associated with death, usually held before a funeral. Traditionally, a waketakes place in the house of the deceased with the body …
Viewing · Funeral · Jazz funeral
End of Georgia O’Keeffe database
Sherlock Holmes generated signaling events –>
Samuel Holmes “Sam” Sheppard
Samuel Holmes “Sam” Sheppard (December 29, 1923 – April 6, 1970)
was an American neurosurgeon initially convicted for
the iron-54 isotope year 54 –> 1954 murder of his
wife –> fe = ferrous oxide/iron
………–> female –, Marilyn Reese Sheppard.
The atomic social science case was controversial from the beginning,
with extensive and prolonged nationwide … rigged media coverage.
The U.S. Supreme Court determined that the “carnival atmosphere” surrounding Sheppard’s first trial had made due process impossible; after ten years in prison he was acquitted at a second trial.
“The Red-Headed League” is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand Magazine in August 1891, with illustrations by Sidney Paget. Conan Doyle ranked “The Red-Headed League” second in his list of his twelve favourite Holmes stories.
Series: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Publication date: 1891
Followed by: ”A Case of Identity”
Plot summary · Analysis · Adaptations · In other media
Aug 5, 2012 – Oak Creek, WI – Seven people, including shooter, died Sunday … He recently moved to a duplex in the 3700 block of E. Holmes Avenue in Cudahy ……/shooter-described-as-white-army-vet-in-his-40s-ai6ck9q-1650…
Aug 5, 2012 – Shooter identified as Wade Michael Page, 40-year-old Army vet … scene at E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy, where police were searching a house after … Wade Michael Page, 40, is the man who allegedly attacked the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, …
, who lives in the 3700 block of E. Holmes Ave. in Cudahy.
On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, … Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting (the US). Show map of Wisconsin Show map of the US Show all. Location, Sikh Temple of Wisconsin 7512 S. Howell Avenue
Missing: 3700 holmes…/milwaukee/…/milwaukee-nun…mississippi/8935895…
Aug 25, 2016 – … to helping poor people in rural Mississippi was one of two nuns reportedly found stabbed to death Thursday in their home
in Holmes County.…/mississippi…killing…nun/721338002/
Jun 21, 2018 – Mississippi man sentenced to life in prison in rape and killing of two nuns, … Held talked about treating patients in Holmes County, where more …
talked about treating patients
talked about treating patients
talked about treating patients
talked about treating patience —> wait. delay, stall, hinder, block
Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who …
Place premiered: Théâtre de Babylone (fr), Paris
Original language: French
Characters: Vladimir; Estragon; Pozzo; Lucky; A Boy
Written by: Samuel Beckett
Lucky · Pozzo · Samuel Beckett · Estragon
On August 9, Operation Desert Shield, the American defense of Saudi Arabia, began as U.S. forces raced to the Persian Gulf. Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, meanwhile, built up his occupying army in Kuwait to about 300,000 troops.
Feb 9, 2010 – On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait, its tiny oil-rich neighbor, and … of Saudi Arabia,began as U.S. forces massed in the Persian Gulf.
Place premiered: Théâtre de Babylone (fr), Paris
Place premiered: Théâtre de Babylone (fr), Paris
Place premiered: Théâtre de Babylone (fr), Paris
other performances : Théâtre de WAR in Babylone, Iraq
Paris = Par + is –> Parallel Information systems
Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who …
Place premiered: Théâtre de Babylone (fr), Paris
Original language: French
Characters: Vladimir; Estragon; Pozzo; Lucky; A Boy
Written by: Samuel Beckett
Lucky –> Lu + cky equation —>
murder of Germanwings pilot Lubitz
& Comair Kentucky air plane geometry crash
Pozzo · Power series zzo in complex math functions
–> Samuel DuBose Bose-Einstein Condensate war casualty
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic …
Backgrounds · Samuel DuBose · Shooting · Aftermath
kett –> Kettle Moraine High School performances in Wisconsin…/Sheriff-15-year-old-Waukesha-Co-girl-is-missing-230976…Nov 7, 2013 – According to police, Stalbaum voluntarily left her home on her bicycle ..
. Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, was last ……
Nov 14, 2013 – Authorities revealed more details about Kathryn Stalbaum’s four-day … for Stalbaum after she failed to arrive at Kettle Moraine High School Nov …
Authorities revealed
Authorities revealed
Author ….. revealed –>
Estragon –> played by estranged husband …..
She was convicted of hiring three of her students to
murder her estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt,
on Easter morning in 1994. At her trial, Diane Borchardt …