fucus view(En.)

Fucus is the meaning of the makeup in Latin.

We named Fucus as view makeup in the camera viewfinder.


long press to screen is focus/exposure mode.

This camera App feature,

1. app have 9 Fucus screen( real-time changes in the brightness and saturation).

2. you confirm the photo before saving, so recovery is fast (normally, it re-taken after confirmation by the viewer chek)

3. resolution is 640x480 (iphone) so small file size.(??)

FucusScreen effect ( sky)

I think good photo in the original photo, but you can know a difference by comparison.

this Fucus Screen has raised the chroma.

In Spilitscreen, it will understand the difference clearly.

original screen

fucus screen

spilit screen

have a nice day.

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