
2015.12.** Ver 1.5

-.Fixed bug. when changing control direction. Induction miss jumping or no response

-.Fixed bug, arrow key do not t display( ios7)

-.improve animation response.

-.Fixed bug, capture to thumbnail with pause menu

2015.10.** Ver 1.4 ios9

.Fix display lag of action at touch.

.Fix language issue.

.Fix broken thumbnail issue.

-.Adjust ADmob position

-.Fix multi selection bug at mission.

2015.08.29 Ver 1.3

-.Change menu interface

add item of the new Play on title

delete item of the Play on title => common use to Mission

add Home(title),Next,store on Pause screen

-.AdMob Display bug at iPhone4/ipod5th

-.Add Particle Representation on Nut.

-.noise sound bug fix at first start.

-.improvement menu-button response.

-.improvement map62 for easily solve.

-.fix memory leak

-.improve misstap.

-.add URL schemes.

2015.8.7 Ver 1.0 release