
✖︎ ios5.1 iPod touch OK → iOS8.0 or above


2020.06.10: calcS16lite ( Ver. 4.8)

-remake ios13 sdk.

-change name calcS16Free => calcS16lite

2016.09.**: calcS16free ( Ver. 4.6)

-.Fix,numeric do not display for ios10.

2016.05.24: calcS16free ( Ver. 4.5)

-.Fix, [C][C][HEX]-> appear x0 at subview.

-.Fix,auto scroll at over pad.

-.Reduce program size

-.Reduce picking scrolling phenomenon

-.Add the button decoration,

-.Fix,C/A button color Flickering.

-.3 seconds early switches to clock

-.Fix, Freeze 7FFFFFFFFF mod 2

-.Add sound initialize at active

-.Rotate 2degree for Hexa’s C

-.Change font size for Hexa's E

.-Support,the delayed Touch at The high speeding operation.

2016.04.14: calcS16free ( Ver. 4.3)

-.Fix,lose auto suffix-mode by "C"

ex) [1][K]+[3][C][3][=] 3003 to 3.003K

-.change background at inputting suffix.

-.Improve sound white-noise

-.Sound off when return clock to calculator.

-.Correct sound is mistake at first input.

-.Fix, sequencer side effect.( sorry )

ex)[1][+][1][C][1/x]-->1 to ERR

-.double touch invalid at the suffix cancel.

-.Fix, gap unmatch at no suffix.

-.Fix, [1][u][/][1][0][0][0] --> 1000p to 1n

-.Fix, [1][k][=][=2n][>M][A][M>]--> 1K^00 to 1n^12

-.Fix, Function does not comply with the suffix mode.

ex) [5][k][x][5][0][%] --> 500m to 0.5

ex) [1][mod][0]-->1 to ERR

2016.04.06: calcS16free ( Ver. 4.0.0)

-.Change start up sound

-.Remove small mark for sound.

-.Fix, mistake error to OK.

ex)[2][+][1][c][1/x]->"0.5" fix to ERR

-.Hide 0 to ' ' on initial moingView.

-.Change mark "C" to "A" at starting Display.

-.Fix miss moving at touch[C] & cancel.

-.Change position '-' on moveView.

-.Fix miss scroll at horizontal swipe.

-.Improvement scroll lag.

-.Fix, exp(10^n) value change format.

-.Mix calculate change

ex)[1][.][9][+][0][.][1][HEX][=]->x2 fix to x1

ex)[1][.][9][HEX][DEC}[+][0][.][1][=]->2 fix to 1.1

-.Fix, invalid exp operation.

ex)[exp][1/x][exp]->1. fix to 1e+00

-.Fix, do not display e+00 on moving View

-.Fix, do not display e+00 on ->M

-.Fix, memory floating value at Hex mode.

ex) [1][.][1][HEX][>M][DEC][M>]->1.1 to 1

-.Correction & AllClear sound changed.

-.Fix. miss judge hex overflow

ex) [7][F][F][F][F][F][F][F][F][+][1][-]->x8000000000 to ERR

-.Fix. format is changed by operators.

ex)[3][exp][2][*]-> 300 to 3exp2

-.Clock buton's size change to small.

-.when clock mode is disable,clock icon disappear.

-.When value is integer. floating point disappear .

-.Fix, can not clear calculation

ex)[3][x][1/x] this case Clear button is 'A'. -> 'C'

-.Fix, value clear by exp after executed function.

ex)[2][1/x][exp]->1^00 to 0.5^00

-.Change brightness the movingView in the homeposition.

-.Fix. 0 is disappeared after the decimal point.

ex)[1][exp][1][0][+][1][=] Metric prefix.

-.move F->E function to Metric prefix.

-.minus can not be cleared by del-button .

ex) [0][+/-][DEL][DEL]-> -0 to 0

-.minus can not be setting when answer 0.

ex) [9][-][9][+/-]-> 0 to -0

-.adjust space between '-' and value, in case billions,millions,thousands

-.Fix, autosetting by exp

ex) [0][.][0][exp]-> 0.001^ to 0.00^

-.Do not allow the first tap the exp.->NG

-.the tap sound processing move to other thread.

Adjust fontsize for ipad

2015.10.03: calcS16free ( Ver. 3.2)

-.ios9 support

. Fix black belt Label in Screen.

2015.09.23: calcS16free( Ver. 3.1)

-.Improvement multi touch.

-.Add URLSchemes

-.After the input confirm,move The View.

-.Change the waiting time.( 15s->30s ).

-.Decrease app size

2015.08.07: calcS16free updated( Ver. 3.0)

-. [C] mixing operation bug Fix

ex) [4][x][3][1/x][C][3][=]-> "3" fix to "4 x 3 = 12"

ex) [4][x][3][C][/][2]-> "4 x 2 = 2" fix to "4 / 2 = 2"

-. change calendar Font ( july.->Jul. / May.->May ).

-. feed buck PaidVersion small issues

2015.07.11: calcS16free updated( Ver. 2.9)

-.implement zoomed clear( user feedBack ).

-. bug fix : numeric is justified to right by clear button.

( At the right-hand side of movingView )

2015.06.24: calcS16free updated( Ver. 2.8)

-. mod function bug fix

-. change specification movingView.

-. clear function Font bug fix.

-. Improvement gradient color unevenness.

-. clock is displayed AM at 12 o'clock.

-. when task return from background,clock timer is miscount.

2015.06.12: calcS16free updated( Ver. 2.6)

-. calendar bug fix( The june is do not display )

-. appsize was reduced.

2015.05.05: calcS16free updated( Ver. 2.5)

-. Resolve scrolling stop by S-key push & move

-. Resolve overlap font "." and numbers on Hex mode.

-. Resolve scroll stop issue by three finger touch.

-. Resolve button Image freeze with large size.

-. Adjust font size in Hex mode.

-. App size was reduced.

2015.04.23: calcS16free updated( Ver. 2.4 )

-. Implement movingView.

-. Change clock design.( simply)

-. App size was reduced.

-. Startup-time was reduced

-. Change touch-process with single-touch.

-. Change shift-button to clock-button in Top left button

-. Change background color by a time.( blue/red/green)

-. Hexadecimal number do not change color .

-. Add 3-digit decimal each gap.

-. Add 4-digit hexadecimal each gap

-. Change size at number of decimal places

2015.02.04: calcS16free updated( Ver. 2.0 )

-. Bug fix

result is Incorrect. xFFFFFFFFFF, 'LSR', 'LSL'

-. adjust scrolling feeling.

-. adjust layout

-. stop sound at left-up S key.( bug)

-.change return-timing by C button.( key pad)

2015.01.22: calcS16free updated( Ver. 1.9 )

-. BugFix

invalid display(arithmetic area) case of '-9999999999', ' ='

when error happen, can not change 'DEC' from 'HEX'

-. brushup of display-Image

-. Ipad support

-. improved usability by scrolling Pad.

-. Change del button to S button

deleting function is realized by touch on the main display.

2013.08.23 : calcS16free updated( Ver. 1.8 )

-. BugFix

invalid display '1', '+', '2', '=', '→M', '='

2013.08.12 : calcS16free updated( Ver. 1.7 )

-. miss display of exp data at →M. ( bugfix )

-. implement sound by clear key.( additional )

-. no shadow at button '5'. ( miss design )

-. modify back-view design( modify).

-. implement arithmetic expression display.( additional )

-. if you do not touch to key during 15s , or

if '.' key is pushed 3 times, screen change to clock.

return to calculator by touch key.( additional )

-. implement clock enable button.( additional )

2013.06.26 : calcS16free updated( Ver. 1.4 )

-. Display '→M' value.

-. Change design.

2013.06.17 : calcS16free updated( Ver. 1.3 )

-. Fix display position issue

-. (ios7 +3.5 inch Display) .

2013.06.06 : calcS16free updated( Ver. 1.2 )

-. implement √x function

-. implement x^2 function

-. implement log10X function

-. implement 10^x function

-. implement mod function