

Energy Journal; Energy Economics; Energy Policy; Review of Energy Studies; Energy; Energies; Renewable Energy; Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy; Utilities Policy; Applied Energy; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; Climate Policy; Int. J. of Global Energy Issues; Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy; Competition and Regulation in Network Industries; Latin America Economic Review; Applied Economics incorporating Applied Financial Economics; Revista DYNA Energía y Sostenibilidad; Mathematical Problems in Engineering; Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment; Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, Journal of Energy StorageWorld.

Review of Industrial Organization; Journal of Network Industries; International Journal of Sustainable Transportation; Int. J. of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles; Int. J. of Automotive Management and Technology; Omega; The Int. J. of Management Science, Transport Research part D; Electric Vehicle Journal.

Journal of Institutional Economics; Review of Law & Economics; Revue d’Economie Politique; Recherches Economiques de Louvain - Louvain Economic Review; Revue d’Economie Industrielle; Revue Economie et Société; Revue de l’OFCE.