Board Members


Widener University Student Nurses' Association 


The job of the President is to attend all meetings of WUSNA and the Executive Board. In the absence of the treasurer, have the power to request funds. Be an executive-official member of all standing committees. The President shall cast the deciding vote in the case of tie votes. Submit a written report of all Presidential activities at each Executive meeting. Submit a written annual report (summary) and a revised one year plan for the next elected President at the end of their term. Ensure the annual evaluation of the Advisory Board. Oversee the positions of the Senators and Social Affairs Committee Chair, and keep records of attendance with the Recording Secretary. Oversee elections. If personally running for a position, appoint a member of the Executive Board to oversee elections.

 Lauren McCarthy 

Vice President

The job of the Vice President is to assist the President in his/her duties and assume, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President and assume all powers and responsibilities of the President.  Act as a liaison between the Student Nurses’ Association of Pennsylvania the National Student Nurses Association and WUSNA.  Oversee the positions of Recruitment/Program Director and Community Chair, and work with Recording Secretary on the Pinning Ceremony.  Submit a written report of all vice president activities to the board at the end of their term.

Sydni Bell

Treasurer/SGA Chair

The job of the Treasurer is to make all disbursements with the approval of the Executive Board. Assume the responsibility for, and the keeping of, an accurate record of all funds received and expended. Develop an operational budget to be approved at the beginning of each school year to executive board. Deliver a financial report to each executive board meeting. Oversee the position of the Fundraising Chair. Submit all records to the Vice President two weeks prior to the end of the year for auditing. Be responsible for the WUSNA coin and, in case of a tie vote, shall flip the WUSNA coin. Heads= affirmative and Tails = negative. Submit a proposed budget to the Student Government Association (SGA) each semester as per SGA requirements for subsidy. Attend all SGA meetings. If a senator misses 2 meetings per semester without getting a replacement and telling the President, then they will be removed from their position.  Contact the President as soon as possible to inform of absence from SGA meeting and inability to find a replacement so the President can get a replacement.  Act as a liaison between SGA and the total membership. Submit a written report of all activities at each Executive meeting.  The last written report turn in at the final meeting of their term of all events.

Daniel McBride

Recording Secretary

The job of the Recording Secretary is to record the minutes of each meeting. Distribute and post on campus cruiser the minutes of the preceding meeting to all members present. Be official custodian of WUSNA’s records. Oversee the positions of Elections Chair and work with Vice-President on the Pinning Ceremony. Keep track of the point system for the pinning ceremony and attendance records. Submit a written report of all recording secretary’s activities at each executive board meeting and at the end of their term a summary of all activities.


Anna Durboraw

Fundraising Committee

Responsible for all fundraising activities.  It will be the responsibility of the Chair of Fundraising to: (1) Coordinate all fundraising activities. The Chairperson will assign a coordinator to each fundraising activity and oversee the implementation of these activities. (2) Submit a written report of all fundraising activities at each executive meeting and submit a summary of all the activities at the end of their term to the executive board.

                                    Skyler Kania

Community Service Chair

Coordinate and conduct all community activities. Submit written report at of all activities at each Executive Meeting and submit a final report of all activities at last meeting of their term.

Sydney Malone

Social Affairs Chair

Coordinate and organize all social activities of WUSNA.  Coordinate a minimum of two social events per semester.  Submit a written report of all social activities at each executive meeting and submit a summary of all activities at the end of their term to the executive board.  


Olivia Pinho

Legislative Chair

The Legislative Chair coordinates and conducts all legislative activities including producing and overseeing the submission of resolutions to SNAP and NSNA. The legislative chair also coordinates Capitol Hill and other conventions. 

Angelina Post

SNAP Representative

The SNAP Representative represents Widener throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Has the opportunity to attend NSNA and goes to SNAP conventions. SNAP members have direct input into standards of the nursing education and influences educational processes. They promote and encourage recruitment efforts, participation in student activities, and educational opportunities for all students. The representative promotes and encourages relationships with nursing and other related health organizations within Pennsylvania.


Recruitment and Student Affairs Chair

Coordinate and organize activities in the recruitment of Widener University Nursing Students.  Direct 1 program per semester for the members of WUSNA and others.  Arrange guest lecturers, movies, demonstrations, etc.  Work with the Social Affairs Committee to provide refreshments at program meetings.  Submit a written report of all activities at each executive meeting and submit a summary of all activities at the end of their term to the executive board.

Isabella Capaldi


Responsible for creating and maintaining the website and Instagram for WUSNA.  Update any changes or events for the future. Continue to post the NCLEX question of the week.  Oversee any issues with the club website.

Megan Padilla

Undergraduate Representative & Break Through for Nursing Chair

The Undergraduate Committee attends the faculty meetings throughout the school year.  During the meetings it is the this committee's duty to inform faculty of upcoming events of our student nurses' association and to report any concerns the students have.  The committee also informs the student body of any changes or upcoming events from the faculty! Promote inclusion of all nursing students. Develop diversity in our program and provide opportunities for growth. Facilitate the development of peer support systems, which enhance recruitment and retention within the nursing profession

Aniya Moore 

Nursing Clinic Representative

The Nursing Clinic Representative is responsible for community and campus outreach pertaining to the Widener Community Clinic. This role requires consistent communication and encouragement to the members of WUSNA for their involvement within the clinic as volunteers, which gives them an opportunity to gain points towards their required semester goal. The representative is responsible for checking the sign up form, being at the clinic as much as possible, and guiding members to pursue public health and community service within their nursing practice.  

Taylor Wise 

Accelerated Program Representative

Acts as a Liaison between the Accelerated Program and the Day Program. Allows for better communication and planning for all Widener nursing students. Promote WUSNA events to accelerated program members to increase the number of active members. Ensure little or no class conflicts with major WUSNA events. Provide insight into event planning. 


Shawnni Rayme 

Serena Robinson 

Harrisburg Program Representative

Acts as a Liaison between the Harrisburg Campus and the Main Campus. Allows for better communication and planning for all Widener nursing students. Facilitates information between both campuses to improve the connection of campuses. Promote WUSNA events and accessibility to program members to increase the number of active members. Ensure little or no conflicts with major WUSNA events. Provide insight into program activities, planning, meetings, and options for success.
