
MPE = Million years post-establishment, the time period each update is set at. Serina pages are not necessarily released linearly, so take notice of the time periods!


Click here for updated family trees of most Serinan animal groups.

5/23/23 - Oceans [290 MPE]

5/26/23 - Fanguar: Queen of the Jungle [290 MPE]

5/28/23 - Burdles of the Late Hothouse [290 MPE]

6/14/23 - Meowl (added to existing page) [285 MPE]

6/28/23 - Strongarmed Sawjaw [275 MPE]

7/2/23 - Longdark Lantern [285 MPE] | Wandering Spiderweed [290 MPE] | Scampering Squirve [265 MPE] | Gork [240 MPE]

7/6/23 - Spearrowhawk [280 MPE]

7/7/23 - Eelamanders [280 MPE]

7/15/23 - Bog Shoggoth [280 MPE]

7/20/23 - Bigjaw Bumblebeast [275 MPE]

7/21/23 - Strikeneck Fangworm [275 MPE]

7/29/23 - Slenderbill Bumblebeast [275 MPE]

8/1/23 - Black Snipper [290 MPE] | The Polar Basin [290 MPE]

8/2/23 - Survivear [280 MPE]

8/10/23 - The Duke [265 MPE] | Clash of Giants: Boomsingers and Bumblebears [265 MPE]

8/11/23 - Cyclops [285 MPE]

9/2/23 - Lumperjack  [290 MPE]

9/3/23 - False Eelsnake (by Troll Man) added to Jetguppies [270 MPE]

9/23/23 - Sprinters, Sylvans, and Whisperwings [295 MPE]An Unlikely Alliance (teaser) [300 MPE] 

9/27/23 - Grandiose Gigagret [290 MPE]

10/4/23 - Unicorn [285 MPE]

10/5/23 - Capricorse [290 MPE]

10/15/23 - Giants of the Savannah Woodlands [290 MPE]

10/16/23 - Savage Unicorns [295 MPE]

10/21/23 - Skungarus of the Savannah [290 MPE]

10/22/23 - Thornsaber | Wounded Wumpo and Elegant Manticore | Scraggle| Pocketpicker [290 MPE]

10/23/23 - Loopalopes | Dazzledupe  [290 MPE]

10/24/23 - Raceraven | Plains Vulpynx |Cold Blooded Killers  [290 MPE]

10/25/23 - Petalpiercer | Signalopes | Vultrus  [290 MPE]

10/31/23 - Swirling Sirenhorn |Gnawceros | The Firmament [290 MPE]

11/1/23 - A new scene of a ruffed rasp hunting its prey has been added to the Nightforest | Skyskipper | Jumping Jaggedjaw  [290 MPE]

11/3/23 - Will-o-wisp | The Oddball Giraffowl [290 MPE]

11/4/23 - Craguar | The Kaks | Pricklepoke Sniffler [290 MPE] | Avimanders [280 MPE]

11/14/23 - Manducus [290 MPE]

11/16/23 - Silly Little Things (short story) [290 MPE]

11/18/23 - Giants of Serina: The Kraviathan  (guest entry by Troll Man) [290 MPE]

11/25/23 - Slashdasher and Double Agent  [280 MPE]

11/27/23 - Upperglades and Flood Forest [290 MPE]

12/1/23 - Bulldozears [290 MPE]

12/2/23 - Scarreots of the Late Hothouse | Stippled Scareakeet and Bludgerigar | Eelsnakes of the Hothouse [290 MPE]

12/4/23 - What Lies Beneath (Intro to Caves) [290 MPE]

12/6/23 - Gloomswallow | Higher Gilltails [290 MPE]

12/8/23 - Carriagoose | Spotted Song Snoot [290 MPE]

12/16/23 - New Biome Illustration added to Upperglades! [290 MPE]

1/12/24 - Hawkyenas | Splendiferous Brawler  (guest entry by Troll Man) [290 MPE]

1/18/24 - Scrabblegrabber (ancestor of later species + kaks) [280 MPE]

1/31/24 - Wood Devil [290 MPE]

2/9/24 - Springing Monkcat [280 MPE]

2/9/24 - Skyland Bolter [290 MPE]

3/3/24 - Parasites Megapost (guest entry by Troll Man) [290 MPE]

3/13/24 - Floating Forest (collaboration with Troll Man) | Coalseam Caves | Centralian Sea | [290 MPE]

3/14/24 - Zarreland and the Horns of Paradise | Specialized Seedsnatchers |Scansorial Scroungers 2 | [290 MPE] 

3/19/24 - Non Cygnosaur Gantuans | Wicked Waterwhip | Pitfall Plumpus  [290 MPE]

3/20/24 - Gutguzzler [290 MPE]

4/5/24 - Aukrow [275 MPE] Janitor [285 MPE]

4/16/24 - Flameflowers [290 MPE]

4/16/24 - Firefinches [290 MPE]| Bleeding Heart (teaser) [300 MPE]

5/9/24 - Canitheres and Molodonts [220 MPE] A retcon. Outdated sites pages are now accessible via the Serina Archive |

5/26/24 - The Story of Life Goes On [185 MPE] 

5/30/24 - "188 MPE: Welcome to the Pangeacene" is now retired to the archive. A series of new posts, including the one above, will replace it.

6/6/24 - New Life Takes Flight (The First Tribbat) [200 MPE] 

6/13/24 - Southern Wyvulture [280 MPE] | Blue Devil (by troll man) [290 MPE]

6/26/24 - Two Travelers [225 MPE]


~ Support on Patreon keeps the project alive, and patrons get first looks at upcoming content. Tier 2 patrons can currently access a backlog of a hundred or more illustrated species, numerous new scenes of environments of the hothouse age and beyond, and the beginning of a new, grand story arc, Bleeding Heart! ~