The End Ultimocene Part 1:

The Hothouse Age: 270 - 290 Million Years

The first ice age of the Ultimocene has ended, ushering in dramatic climate change as a result of a massive coal seam fire set beneath Serinarcta. An age of sapience, for now, closes with the disappearance of the sea stewards, and a world no longer governed by intelligent species returns to its wild roots. Nature at the end of the mid-Ultimocene is again red in tooth and claw, with much of the cooperative ecology of the past era having broken down - though as things stabilize again, new relationships will form. The end Ultimocene demonstrates that even though living things have broadly increased in complexity since Serina began, evolution is not goal-orented. As selective pressures change, surviving species may no longer need to be quite so smart to survive, if instead they can be tough. 

The world will warm again, but not forever. The hothouse is an interlude, not an end to the eventual global cooling Serina will ultimately face. But in this short window, Serina will showcase its greatest sights and species seen yet.

Explore the Hothouse
Click the dropdown menus below to visit each sub-period.

The Hothouse Age: Warm, Wet, and Wild

Serina experiences a reprieve from the ice age. Forests return, and for one last time, plants and animals thrive in a tropical land of abundance. But this is no paradise: to endure in the post ice-age world requires tenacity and strength. Aggressive and competitive new ecosystems emerge in which only the strongest - or the smartest - will succeed. 


275 Million Years PE

Enter the Hothouse Age 

| Panorama of The Northern Soglands  | Rumbling Helmethead | Viridescent Sawjaw | Watchtower Wumpo  | Fishing Triyena  | Moonbreasted Pickbird  | Great Crested Drakevulture  | Thorny Monstrocorn  | Sogstepper Sniffler  | The Kittyhawks  | Swamp Wumpo | Raptorial Rockroot | Hookjaw Carnackle | Cementrees | The Scrunge | Playporp  | Southern Coasts | Sea Grazers | Age of Snarks | Seashore Scavengers | Seeds and Those That Eat Them (Intro to Murds) | Long-eared Lumpelope | Spinysnout Skwimmer | Giant Pygmy Pretenguin | Royal Villaingull | Scrabbleskua | The Upland Plains | Jumpo Wumpo | Battering Helmethead | Chatterchaser | Four-horned Petratel | Lashlip Carnackle | Scampering Meadowbird | Fallen Angel | Devil's Trumpet | Bloblump and Shucklump | Communal Foxhopper | Stormshadow | Slayer Carnackle | Tribulus | Awegull | Skoblin | Family for a Day (story) | Brontocorn | Fluttering Flickbill | Porcuplumpus | Tribbybara | River Dragon | Molodonts of the Uplands | Skinsnipe |Gash-hopper |Tonguetwister | The Shorescrounger and its Descendants | Strongarmed Sawjaw | Bigjaw Bumblebeast | Strikeneck Fangworm | Slenderbill Bumblebeast | Aukrow |

280 Million Years PE

| The Spire Forest | Soggobbler and Sirenhorn | Mowerbird Ecology | Hillhopper and Rockrunner | Regal Guingrebe | Finfoot Triyena | Watertrotter |Severe Stoatshrike | Toratoddle | Wide-eyed Whiskerwhale |Skulunker |Spectral Cave Dragon | Fringed Quagdragon | Bristleback Soghog | Tuskbilled Snort | SkogrePloose | Spiny Fleetfin | Platyplotter | Greater Squelican |Sanguine Squibis |Pummel |Swampsaw | Ripper |Land of the Lumps: Heffalump, Woozle, and Lumpredator | Bog Shoggoth |Skueasels | Lutrine Skueasel |Butcherbeak |Mega-Snarks of the Unbroken Ocean |Diversity of Flickbills |Chariot |Mordax|Treegup and Spikeray|The Carvers |Spearrowhawk |Eelamanders |Survivear |Avimanders of the Hothouse |Slashdasher and Double Agent |Scrabblegrabber |Springing Monkcat |Southern Wyvulture 

285 Million Years PE

| Burdles of the Hothouse |The Longdark Swamp |Skuwyrms: The Rat Snake |Cygnosaurs|Subjugator|Hadropotomus|Creeping Cleanertree |Thorn Atoll | Primal Scroungers: Squaboons and Kin |The Scansorial Scroungers |Hookhead Rasp|The New Plains|Returning to the Water |Life Beyond the Longdark (1) |Longdark Lantern |Cyclops |Unicorn |Janitor |

290 Million Years PE

|The Sky Islands |The Nightforest |Kelpie |Brindled Birdbear | Jackalope and Goatsucker | Scamps: The Forest Foxtrotters |Oceans| Fanguar: Queen of the Jungle |Burdles of the Late Hothouse |Wandering Spiderweed |Black Snipper|The Polar Basin |Lumperjack |Pocketpicker |Grandiose Gigagret |Capricorse |Giants of the Savannah Woodlands |Savannah Skungarus |Thornsaber |Wounded Wumpo and Elegant Manticore |Scraggle |Loopalopes |Dazzledupe |Raceraven |Plains Vulpynx |Cold Blooded Killers |Petalpiercer |Signalopes |Vultrus |Swirling Sirenhorn |Gnawceros|The Firmament |Skyskipper |Jumping Jaggedjaw |Will-o-wisp |The Oddball Giraffowl |Craguar |The Kaks |Pricklepoke Sniffler |Manducus |Silly Little Things (story) |Giants of Serina: Kraviathan  |Upperglades and Flood Forest |Bulldozears |Scarreots |Scareakeets and Bludgerigar |Eelsnakes of the Hothouse |What Lies Beneath (Caves) |Gloomswallow |Life of the Coalseam Caves 1 |Higher Gilltails |Carriagoose |Spotted Song Snoot |Hawkyenas |Splendiferous Brawler |Wood Devil |Skyland Bolter |Parasites Megapost |The Floating Forest |Centralian Sea |Life of Zarreland and the Horns of Paradise |Specialized Seedsnatcher Molodonts |Scansorial Scroungers 2 |Non Cygnosaur Gantuans |Wicked Waterwhip |Pitfall Plumpus |Gutguzzler |Flameflowers |Firefinches |Blue Devil 

Or go on to the final stretch, the last era of Serina.