
A big-headed bully of the savannah woodlands, the gnawceros has evolved one of the most savage bites of any thorngrazer.

A relative of the thornsaber, the gnawceros is a separate descendant branch from the bristlebacked soghog that has evolved specialized dermal teeth along its face back into teeth used to bite prey. While thornsabers evolved to grow just two huge and dagger-like fangs, though, the fleet-footed but strangely-shaped gnawceros has a half-circle of smaller serrated ones along either side of its upper mandible, and smaller sets along its lower jaw. This competing predator of the savannah biome uses these outside-the-mouth teeth to catch and hold prey animals with a sideways bite, especially other thorngrazers, and hold onto them. The upper and lower teeth interlock when the mouth is closed, holding anything unfortunate enough to be caught between them in place with no hope of pulling free without severe damage. Prey tries to flee the jaws of this hunter but to do so only maims them worse. The animal finalizes its bite once prey is held tight, closing its crushing teeth over the jagged wound it has produced with its fangs. The gnawceros has a proportionally massive head, which supports gigantic jaw muscles that close with a bite force of 1,100 pounds per square inch - not the strongest bite on Serina by far, but laid out over a huge, wide jaw which renders escape impossible. Then the gnawceros only has to keep hold of its victim long enough for it to bleed out or otherwise exhaust itself. 

With small eyes (which are thus harder to hit) and very thick skin with subdermal armor, the gnawceros endures kicks, bites and anything else its prey throw out in their struggles, keeping hold on them - usually their flanks - until they injure themselves even worse by trying to pull loose and finally stop fighting. Unlike many predators, this animal has never evolved a quick killing method, and eats its prey from the back up as soon as it can do so without harm, usually before it is dead. Its fangs easily slice strips of meat; its paired teeth crush remaining bones, making it a very efficient feeder which leaves no trace of its kills. It eats extraordinarily quickly, able to down half its own 250 lb weight in flesh in a span of just fifteen minutes, and then move on before larger scavengers can take its kill.