
Kenpo is the name of several martial arts. The word kenpō is a Japanese translation of the Chinese word "quánfǎ. In Japanese martial arts, kenpō is used to designate Chinese martial arts (much as the term kung fu is used in English-speaking countries).

American Kenpō

Kenpō has also been appropriated as a modern term: a name for multiple martial arts that developed in Hawaii due to cross-cultural exchange between practitioners of Ryukyuan martial arts, Chinese martial arts, Japanese martial arts and multiple additional influences. In the United States, kenpo is often referred to as Kenpo Karate. The most widespread styles have their origin in the teachings of James Mitose and William Kwai Sun Chow. Mitose was nominally Chow's senior, but the true nature and extent of their relationship is controversial. This lineage also includes Kajukenbo, an art that does not use the kenpō name itself, but which possesses recognized offshoots that do. These arts have spread around the world through multiple lineages, not all of which agree on a common historical narrative. The style of Kenpo Karate taught by founder James Mitose employed hard linear direct movements similar to Okinawan Karate and also some ground fighting from classic Japanese Jujitsu. The Kenpo Karate that was later developed by Ed Parker, employs more Chinese circular movements with classically named techniques (Twin Hammers, Etc.).