School Visits


Heralded as "The best school visit we've ever had!" by librarians, principals, teachers and students, Vuthy Kuon's presentation entitled The Million Faces of Humpty has captivated audiences young and old since 1996. Here the kids now must help Vuthy create Humpty's new face... and ultimately a million faces across the country.

He shares his inspiring story about being a Cambodian refugee who comes to America with nothing to overcome insurmountable odds. He follows with a dramatic "theater-style" book reading, then ends with the grande finale The Million Faces of Humpty... where he channels the students' creativity to create the newest Humpty Dumpty character, named after a teacher, principal or gym coach! Kuon's enthusiasm will inspire the kids to believe that there is nothing they cannot do!

"The BEST SPEAKER we've ever had!"

- Lynn Morris, Klein ISD 

For more reviews, visit the Testimonials page.