Women in woodworking

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The days of brute strength to perform much of the chores around the house are long gone, like eons ago. Many activities that used to be the domain of men are no longer. In woodworking, the power assisted tools are so common and at reasonable prices that the screw driver is hardly a tool that required more energy than squeezing a trigger. I am talking about the cordless drill/driver. And that leads to the power saws, power sanders, nailers, etc.

Woodworking has never been a sport that required speed or agility but indeed when hand tools were all there were, strength was a prerequisite. So every little project around the house that required cutting wood to little pieces and joined them together to make them into bigger parts to complete a "project", was a man's chore.

Not anymore. There are more and more women engaging in woodworking today and they hold their own and in many cases do a better job. Women are not shy or too proud to read and follow instructions. They probably pay more attention to details and probably better at organizing.

Sorry guys. I'm one of you but I have to admit that we don't particularly like to read instructions nor take kindly to asking for directions. So men, please pay attention to suggestions from the ladies. And read those instructions that come with the new tool you just recently acquired. We have actually evolved from hunter to gatherer - of tools, that is. Use them properly.