The Basic Rules of Woodworking

1. Operate your tools safely by carefully reading and understanding every instruction that came with the tool.

2. Wear protective glasses, dust masks and hearing protection when operating power tools. Put another way for emphasis: Protect your eyesight, your lungs and the entire respiratory system and preserve your continued ability to hear and listen to your favorite music or participate in conversation for the rest of your life.

3. Avoid distractions. Do not have a TV at your workshop, garage, or wherever you are operating a power tool. Avoid, as much as possible, operating your power tools when there are other people around when you're working. It is safer for you and safer for your family and friends. Unless, of course, when you are just merely showing off your new toy (tool, I mean). Still, take extra care when you do so.

4. Stay alert all the time. Rest for 20-30 minutes after every two hours of continued work. If you had a late night of partying it makes no sense to do woodworking on the day after as it is likely to affect your concentration or judgment. There are many days ahead to do woodworking.

5. Always take your time. Woodworking is not a sport so speed offers no advantage. Hurrying is often times the cause for mistakes and it is a major precursor to accidents. Even one of the most hurried activities in woodworking - gluing up joinery - must be done deliberately but not in haste. Preparation before assembly, where all the components and material are well laid out, is the key to a successful glue up. More on that on a separate blog.