1943-08-19 B17F

1943-08-19, 18.32h, Noordzee (bij Hoek van Holland), B17F, 42-5392, 303BG/427BS, 2nd. Lt. L.H. Quillen

source : http://www.303rdbg.com/photo-gallery.html

The US Eighth Air Force's VIII Air Support Command and VIII Bomber Command in England both fly missions.

The VIII Air Support Command flies Missions 27A, 27B and 28 against 3 Luftwaffe airfields in France without loss.

(1) 36 B-26B Marauders bomb Glisy Airfield at Amiens at 1129 hours; they claim 1-0-2 Luftwaffe aircraft.

(2) 35 B-26s are attack Nord Airfield at Poix at 1218 hours.

(3) 36 B-26s are dispatched to Bryas Sud Airfield but the target is obscured by cloud and the mission is aborted.

The VIII Bomber Command flies Mission 85 against 3 Luftwaffe airfields in The Netherlands.

(1) 38 B-17s attack Gilze-Rijen at 1802-1814 hours and 55 hit Flushing at 1756 hours; they claim 29-1-2 Luftwaffe aircraft; 4 B-17's are lost; escort is provided by 175 P-47 Thunderbolts who claim 9-2-4 Luftwaffe aircraft; 1 P-47 is lost.

(2) 45 B-17s are dispatched to Woensdrecht Airfield but weather prevents them hitting the target.

source: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/andrew.etherington

303rd BG (H) Combat Mission No. 61

19 August 1943

Target: Airdrome & Storehouses at Gilze-Rijen, Holland

Crews Dispatched: 20

Crews Lost: 1Lt J.S. Nix (11 crew), 2Lt L.H. Quillen (10 crew),

6 wounded, 21 missing

Length of Mission: 3 hours, 25 minutes

Bomb Load: 24 x 100 lb H.E. M-30 G.P. bombs

Bombing Altitude: 19,700 ft

Ammo Fired: 52,414 rounds

Enemy Aircraft Claims: 12 destroyed, 10 probable, 6 damaged

All aircraft were airborne and there were no abortions. Each B-17 carried 24 100-lb.

General Purpose bombs. The Group left the English coast in poor combat wing formation. The lead Group failed to drop its bombs after reaching the initial point. The poor bomb run, ground haze and sun made it impossible for the 303rd BG(H) to pick out the target. After falling back into Wing formation, a second bomb run was attempted by the 303rd BG(H) while the other Groups headed for home without making another bomb run.

On the second 303rd BG(H) bomb run, bombardier 1Lt LeRoy V. Gordon could not find the target due to sun glare and didn't drop his bombs. Ten Group B-17s did drop their bombs. By this time the other two Groups were 10 to 15 miles ahead of the 303rd BG(H), leaving them alone. About 20 to 30 enemy fighters attacked the Group when no U.S. Fighter support materialized. The 10 aircraft that didn't drop their bombs on the bomb run jettisoned their bombs in the water when the heavy fighter attacks began. Persistent headon attacks were made out of the sun. Crews were unanimous in stating that they had never seen enemy fighters come in so close. The Group, separated from the rest of the combat Wing, was subjected to continuous fighter attacks until 10 miles off the enemy coast.

Meager flak was encountered near Antwerp but it was very accurate. Eleven Group aircraft sustained flak battle damage.

Two Group aircraft were lost.

B-17F #42-3192 (No Name, often called G for George) 358BS-G piloted by 1Lt. James S. Nix, was shot down by enemy fighters halfway between the target and the enemy coast. It crashed between Odsterhout and Raamsponkvoor, Holland.

1Lt. Nix,

2Lt. Daniel A. Shebeck,

1Lt. Robert K. Solverson and

T/Sgt. Frank G. Krajacic were killed in the crash. 1Lt. Nix, 2Lt. Shebeck and T/Sgt. Krajacic are buried in Netherlands American Cemetery, Martgratten, Netherlands.

2Lt. Dwight M. Curo,

T/Sgt. Curtis O. Brooke,

S/Sgt. Frank F. Perez,

S/Sgt. George W. Buck,

S/Sgt. Joseph Gross,

S/Sgt. Fred C. Boyd and

1Lt. Louis T. Moffatt were captured by the enemy and held prisoner.

B-17F #42-5392 Stric Nine 427BS,

piloted by 2Lt. Lauren H. Quillen, was hit by flak and caught fire. Some of the crew bailed out over the Dutch coast (presumed off Hock van Holland) then crashed into the North Sea.

2Lt. Quillen,

2Lt. John R. Homan,

2Lt. B.W. Colby,

2Lt. William N. Irish,

T/Sgt. Eldon F. Richter and

S/Sgt. Salvador J. Di Cosmo were killed in the crash. The bodies of Lts. Quillen, Colby, Irish and Richter washed ashore and were buried in local Dutch cemeteries. They were later reinterred.

S/Sgt. Elbert O. Price,

S/Sgt. Joseph H. Brown,

S/Sgt. Paul W. Abernathy and

S/Sgt. A.K. Sauer were captured by the enemy and held prisoner.

T/Sgt Eldon F. Richter

427BS Flight Engineer - KIA

S/Sgt Arthur K. Sauer

427BS Gunner - POW

S/Sgt Paul W. Abernathy

427BS Gunner - POW

2Lt Lauren H. Quillen

427BS Pilot - KIA

Stric-nine taking off

Group gunners claimed 21 enemy aircraft destroyed, one probable and two damaged. Lt. John Hendry of the 358BS landed #41-24416 Black Diamond Express at Framingham to care for his tail gunner S/Sgt Howard L. Abney, who had been hit by 20mm shells in the right hip and arm. He was taken to the 12th Evacuation Hospital at Redheart, Lt. Hendry then returned to Molesworth with his aircraft. Five other crewmen also were wounded.

Both Maj. Calhoun and his co-pilot Capt. Shumake stated definitely that this so called "milk run," was as tough a battle as they had seen. 358BS tail gunner Sgt. George W. Buske and his crew members were subjected to repeated and determined fighter attacks. One 20mm shell penetrated the tail, knocking out his left gun and exploding his tracer ammunition. Though painfully wounded, he manned his remaining gun with such skill that he destroyed one enemy plane and warded off numerous fierce attacks. For this heroic action he was awarded the Silver Star Medal.

Earlier crew of this B-17 (Stric-nine) They flew 17 missions with this plane.

(Back L-R) Capt Alexander C. Strickland (P)(1), Lt Curtis M. Olsen (CP)(2),

1Lt Carl L. Hokans (N)(3), 1Lt Edwin G. Lamme (B) (4)

(Front L-R) S/Sgt Ralph R. Strohsack (RWG)(9), T/Sgt Albert E. Martel, Jr. (R)(6),

S/Sgt Edward E. McGill (LWG)(KIS)(8), S/Sgt Raymond R. Peck (BTG)(7),

S/Sgt John Baart (E)(5), S/Sgt Anthony W. Sherg (TG)(10)

Ranks and Grades at end of final 303rd BG(H) combat mission

Strickland Crew favorite B-17:

42-5392 (GN-X) Stric-nine - Name was a play on words based upon the Pilot's name (Strickland) and the number "9" in the aircraft serial number. Last flown by the Strickland Crew on mission #51, 17 July 1943. Ditched in the North Sea after being hit by enemy fighters on mission #61, 19 August 1943 (6 KIA & 4 POWs), by the Lauren H. Quillen Crew, who were flying on their first combat mission.

source http://www.303rdbg.com/427strickland.html



CMP - Command Pilot

P - Pilot

CP - Co-Pilot

NAV - Navigator

ANV - Ass't. Navigator

MNV - Mickey Navigator

ENG - Engineer

BOM - Bombardier

RO - Radio Operator

TOG - Togglier

BT - Ball Turret Operator

TT - Top Turret Operator

TG - Tail Gunner

NG - Nose Gunner

RG - Radio Gunner

WG - Waist Gunner

LWG - Left Waist Gunner

RWG - Right Waist Gunner

GUN - Gunner

VI - Voice Interpreter

OBS - Observer

PAS - Passenger

PHO - Photographer

KIA - Killed in action

WIA - Wounded in action

MIA - Missing in action

POW - Prisoner of war

DOW - Died of wounds

EVD - Evaded the enemy

INT - Interned in neu cntry

REP - Repatriated

RES - Rescued

ESC - Escaped

BO - Bailed out

DCH - Ditched

CR-L - Crashed on land

CR-S - Crashed at sea

358th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

359th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17F #41-24561 The Duchess

P Reeder, D.M., 1Lt

CP McLean, Ralph C., 2Lt

NAV Salk, Harvey M., 2Lt

BOM Vermillion, Earl E., 2Lt

ENG Herod, Henry W., T/Sgt

LWG Hayes, James J., S/Sgt

RO Mowery, Ellis D., T/Sgt

RWG Hull, Kenneth W., S/Sgt

BT Wright, Samuel S., S/Sgt

TG Swan, Henry, S/Sgt

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #41-24635 The '8' Ball MK II

P Calhoun, William R., Jr., Maj

CP Shumake, Glynn F., Capt

NAV Jacobsen, Norman N., 1Lt

BOM Gordon, LeRoy V., 1Lt

ENG Doran, Arnold S., T/Sgt

LWG Jordan, Lloyd L., S/Sgt

RO McGee, Paul P., S/Sgt

BT Lemann, Paul C., S/Sgt

TG Halpin, Robert, F/O

RWG Kerr, Joseph, S/Sgt

PAS Gray, E.D., LtCol

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #42-5482 Cat-O-Nine Tails

P Loughnan, Victor J., 1Lt

CP Gredvig, Winfield H., 2Lt

NAV Maxwell, James L., 2Lt

BOM Robinson, John M., 2Lt

ENG High, Eugene W., T/Sgt

RWG Knorpp, Billy F., S/Sgt

RO Daley, Russell M., T/Sgt

BT McGee, Kenneth L., S/Sgt

LWG Barr, Gordon E., S/Sgt

TG McConaghy, Leo R., S/Sgt

B-17F #41-24605 Knockout Dropper

P Mattison, Robert L., 1Lt

CP Case, Spencer F., 1Lt

NAV Rich, David A., 1Lt

BOM Shafer, John H., 1Lt

ENG Green, Frederick J., T/Sgt

RO Nordyke, Lloyd E., T/Sgt

TG McEachern, David C., S/Sgt

BT Schneider, James E., S/Sgt

LWG Boling, Shuble A., Sgt

TT Vogel, George W., S/Sgt

PHO Roberts, Raymond K., T/Sgt

PAS Neff, William J., Capt

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #42-5257 Miss Bea Haven

P Brown, Malcolm E., 2Lt

CP Szelwian, Felix T., 2Lt

NAV Alloway, Hillard C., 2Lt

BOM Schreidell, Matthew, 2Lt

ENG Kress, Beryl W., T/Sgt

RO Cirello, Ralph T., T/Sgt

LWG Boucher, Henry C., S/Sgt

BT Wernet, Charles E., Sgt

TG Boggs, Calvin E., S/Sgt

RWG Wright, Malcolm, S/Sgt

(Abortive Sortie)

360th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17F #42-5260 Yardbird II

P Baker, William T., 1Lt

CP Gahimer, Loyd D., 2Lt

NAV McLane, Joseph T., 2Lt

BOM Stamper, William B., M/Sgt

ENG Fielder, Neal F., T/Sgt

RWG Bowman, Vergil E., S/Sgt

RO Crowder, Gayther B., T/Sgt

BT Dioquardo, Fred J., Sgt

TG Borror, Norwood D., S/Sgt

LWG Pierson, Lawrence C., Sgt

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #42-5393 Thumper Again

P Bradbury, Joseph E., 1Lt

CP Fyler, Carl J., 1Lt

BOM Gibson, Steve M., 2Lt

ENG Addison, Bill J., T/Sgt

NG Deffinger, John P., Sgt

LWG Fisher, George C., S/Sgt

RO Jillson, John S., S/Sgt

BT Ford, Ray D., S/Sgt

RWG Oxendine, Simeon, Sgt

TG Stachowiak, Martin G., Sgt

B-17F #42-29754 Shangrila Lil

P Crockett, George W., Jr., Lt

CP Barsam, Merian A., Jr., Lt

NAV Millner, Israel, Lt

BOM Cramsie, William J., Lt

ENG Tepper, Morris, T/Sgt

RWG Homer, Eddie D., Sgt

RO Jaynes, Allen D., T/Sgt

BT Clarke, Benjamin, Jr., S/Sgt

LWG Williams, Eugene F., S/Sgt

TG Burke, James C., S/Sgt

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #42-5788 A.O.G. Not in Stock

P Stallings, George V., Jr., Capt

CP Davey, Kenneth W., Capt

NAV Molnar, George, Lt

BOM Kulesa, Frank E., Lt

ENG Watson, James A., T/Sgt

RWG Yattaw, Robert H., S/Sgt

RO Kistulentz, Paul, T/Sgt

BT Ayres, Arthur B., S/Sgt

TG Stickler, John J., S/Sgt

LWG Levin, Meyer, T/Sgt

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #42-5434 Lady Luck

P Clifton, David S., 1Lt

CP Garvey, John L., Lt

NAV Rosenblum, Nathan J., Lt

BOM Saiz, Reinaldo J., Lt

ENG Doss, Carroll P., T/Sgt

LWG Compo, Anthony, S/Sgt

RO Morrison, Eugene D., T/Sgt

RG Mitchell, John B., S/Sgt

RWG Jameson, Jimmie E., S/Sgt

TG Villarreal, Rodolfo A., S/Sgt

BT Schulstad, Louis M., Capt

OBS Briggs, J.E., Col

(Abortive Sortie)

B-17F #42-5483 Red Ass

P Cogswell, Robert W., Lt

CP DeWall, Hershel R., Lt

NAV Kennedy, John D., Lt

BOM Currie, Herman C., Lt

ENG Bengston, Gilbert E., T/Sgt

RWG Etheridge, Alvin, S/Sgt

RO Deerfield, Eddie, S/Sgt

BT Davis, Paul J., S/Sgt

LWG Tharp, Wallace L., S/Sgt

TG Sawicki, Joseph R., S/Sgt

427th Bombardment Squadron Crew Lists

B-17F #42-5392 Stric Nine - CR-S

P Quillen, Lauren H., 2Lt KIA

CP Homan, John R., 2Lt KIA

NAV Colby, B.W., 2Lt KIA

BOM Irish, William N., 2Lt KIA

ENG Richter, Eldon F., T/Sgt KIA

BT Price, Elbert O., S/Sgt POW

RO DiCosmo, Salvador J., S/Sgt KIA

TG Sauer, A.K., S/Sgt POW

RWG Abernathy, Paul W., S/Sgt POW

LWG Brown, Joseph H., S/Sgt POW

B-17F #42-3029 Wallaroo

P Hullar, Robert J., Lt

CP Klint, Wilbur, Lt

NAV Brown, Elmer L., Lt

BOM McCormick, James E., Lt

ENG Rice, Dale W., S/Sgt

LWG Fullem, Charles, S/Sgt

RO Hoyt, George F., S/Sgt

BT Sampson, Norman A., S/Sgt

TG Miller, Merlin D., S/Sgt

RWG Marson, Charles H., S/Sgt



(Assigned 427BS: 06 July 1943)

2Lt Lauren H. Quillen (P)(KIA), 2Lt John R. Homan (CP)(KIA),

2Lt Bevan W. Colby, Jr. (N)(KIA), 2Lt William N. Irish (B)(KIA)

T/Sgt Eldon F. Richter (E)(KIA), T/Sgt Salvador J. Di Cosmo (R)(KIA),

S/Sgt Elbert O. Price (BTG)(POW), S/Sgt Joseph H. Brown (LWG)(POW),

Sgt Paul W. Abernathy (RWG)(POW), S/Sgt Arthur K. Sauer (TG)(POW)

One and only combat mission of the Quillen crew:

Mission #61, 19 August 1943, mission to Gilze-Rijen, The Netherlands, in B-17F 42-5392 Stric Nine (427BS) GN-X. B-17 was hit by flak and caught fire. Some of the crew bailed out over the Dutch coast (presumed off Hiock van Holland). The B-17 then crashed into the North Sea. The bodies of Lt's Lauren H. Quillen (P), Bevan W. Colby, Jr. (N), William N. Irish (B) and T/Sgt Elden F. Richter (B) washed ashore and were buried in a local Dutch cemetery. Their bodies were later reinterred. 2Lt Bevin W. Colby, Jr. is buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery at Martgraten, Netherlands.

QUILLEN, L H ABERNATHY PAUL W S/SGT 14165828 427TH W/GUN 08-19-43 08-19-43 POW

QUILLEN, L H BROWN JOSEPH H S/SGT 18083693 427TH W/GUN 02-09-43 08-19-43 POW

QUILLEN, L H COLBY BEVAN W 2/LT 0797269 427TH NAV 08-11-43 08-19-43 KIA

QUILLEN, L H DI COSMO SALVADOR J S/SGT 38210049 427TH RADIO 09-14-43 08-19-43 KIA

QUILLEN, L H HOMAN JOHN R 2/LT 0746248 427TH CP 08-11-43 08-19-43 KIA

QUILLEN, L H IRISH WILLIAM N 2/LT 0741527 427TH BOMB 08-11-43 08-19-43 KIA

QUILLEN, L H PRICE ELBERT O S/SGT 15332265 427TH B/TUR 06-07-43 08-19-43 POW

QUILLEN, L H QUILLEN LAUREN H 2/LT 0738242 427TH PILOT 07-06-43 08-19-43 KIA

QUILLEN, L H RICHTER ELDON F T/SGT 17031113 427TH ENGR 06-07-43 08-19-43 KIA

QUILLEN, L H SAUER A K S/SGT 427TH T/GUN 08-19-43 08-19-43 POW

source http://www.303rdbg.com/

German claims

1 19-08-43 00:00 "Uffz." "Johannes" "Rathenow" 01-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17" "KK 5: 4500m [Breda]" "19.26" 4 "-" "yes" "C.2031/II" "Anerk: Nr.178"

2 19-08-43 00:00 "Ltn." "Rudolf" "Engleder" 02-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17" "05 Ost S/KJ 6-9: 5500m [Oud Gastel]" "19.22" 7 "-" "yes" "C.2031/II" "Anerk: Nr.-"

3 19-08-43 00:00 "Ltn." "Georg" "Schott" 01-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17" "05 Ost S/JJ 5: 5500m [Schiedam]" "19.21" 16 "-" "yes" "C.2031/II" "Anerk: Nr.-"

4 19-08-43 00:00 "Fw." "Martin" "Lacha" 03-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17" "05 Ost S/JJ 4: 5000m [Schiedam]" "19.30" 7 "-" "yes" "C.2031/II" "Anerk: Nr.205"

5 19-08-43 00:00 "Uffz." "Rudolf" "Hübl" 01-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17" "KH 2: 6000m [N. Haamstede]" "20.15" 4 "-" "yes" "C.2031/II" "Anerk: VNE"

6 19-08-43 00:00 "Ltn." "Heinz-Günther" "Lück" 01-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17 e.V." "-" "19.55±" "e.V." "-" "no" "Prien: JG 1/11 Lists f. 737"

7 19-08-43 00:00 "Uffz." "Bernhard" "Kunze" 01-11-09 "JG 1" "B-17" "05 Ost S/JH 8: 5000m [off Ooudorp]" "19.43" 5 "-" "yes" "C.2031/II" "Anerk: Nr. -"

B17 losses over NL

1 43-08-19 1820 Raamsdonk (Cartuizerpolder) B-17F 42-3192 303BG/358BS 1st Lt J.S.Nix

2 43-08-19 1832 Noordzee (bij Hoek van Holland) B-17F 42-5392 303BG/427BS 2nd Lt L.H.Quillen

3 43-08-19 1858 Westerschelde (bij Vlissingen) B-17F 42-29807 305BG/364BS 1st Lt R.R.Miller

4 43-08-19 1825 Rozenburg B-17F 42-3101 381BG/535BS 1st Lt O.H.Koenig

5 43-08-19 2015 Haamstede B-17F 42-30068 388BG/561BS 2nd Lt B.Howe

Based on the above info the following B17´s can be linked to the following claims:

1 - 2 and 1?

2 - 4

3 - 7 and 6?

4 - 3

5 - 5

This means that the B17 of 2nd. Lt. L.H. Quillen is most likely shot down by Fw. Martin Lacha.

Lacha, Martin Lt 11

11/JG-1 (7/42), 2/JG-1 (5/43), 3/JG-1 (10/43), 1/JG-1 (12/44)

Bf 109E-3 "Blk 4" & Fw 190A-3 "Blk 7" in11/JG-1, Fw 190A-4 (3/JG-1), A-7 Wk#430162 (12/43) EP, EK 1& 2 (10/23/43), Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp

His 1st, a Spitfire, on 2 May, 1943, southwest of Vlissingen.

His 2nd, a B-17 at Havixbeck on 22 June, 1943.

His 3rd was over Col. Arman "Pete" Peterson CO (KIA) of the 78FG, flying a P-47, on 1 July, 1943, over Goeree, Holland. The P-47 crashed NE of Ouddorp. Flugbuch (7/43 to 12/44).

His 4th, same day, another P-47 at Oostvorne, NE of Schiedam.

His 5th, a B-17 (HSS) on 26 July, 1943.

His 6th, a B-17 S of Maastricht on 17 August, 1943.

His 7th, a B-17 at Schiedam on 19 August, 1943.

His 8th, a B-17 S of Wagenfeld on 8 October, 1943.

His 9th, a P-47 at Altenberg, NW of Münster on 11 November, 1943.

His 10th, a B-17 on 11 December, 1943.

His 11th, a B-17 off De Koog, Texel on 16 December, 1943.

Injured in a crash on 25 August, 1942 in an Fw 190A-4 Werk # 606, while in 11/JG-1.

Known to crash his A-7 at Menaldum Holland on 16 December, 1943. He is severly injured by return fire from a bomber and one of his under arms needs to be amputated finsihing his flying career. One of a few surviving JG-1 pilots.

S/Sgt Arthur K. Sauer

427BS Gunner - POW

19. August 1943

VIII Bomber Command # 85: 1st BW Gilze-Rijen, Flushing

125/93: 3 lost

VIII Bomber Command # 85: 4th BW Woensdrecht

45/0: 1 lost 1 Cat.E

VIII Fighter Command 108: Bomber-Support

175 sent: 9-2-4 air: 1 lost

VIII Bomber Command # 85: 1st Bomb-Wing

11 Group Ramrod 210


17.30 z: 59/45 B-17 Fortress: 3 lost

P-47 Escort 2nd ATF:

US 66th FW 353rd FG 42 P-47 Thunderbolt 17.01-19.24 FO 108 0 - 0 - 1 Me 109G No casualty RV 1750 W. Tholen

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. H.J. Morris 353rd FG 351st Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Gilze-Rijen

US 65th FW 56th FG 51 P-47 Thunderbolt 17.17-19.06 FO 108 9 - 0 - 3 Various 1 Cat.Em Mech. RV 1755 E. Woensdrecht

Cat.Em 19.08.43 2/Lt. Glenn L. Hodges: P/W 56th FG 63rd Sqn. P-47C-2 41-6216 UN-O Mech: North Sea

Claim 19.08.43 Col. H. Zemke 56th FG HQ Flt. 0 - 0 - 1 FW 190 17.50 ca: Numensdorp

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. F.E. McCauley 56th FG 61st Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Oosterhout

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. F.E. McCauley 56th FG 61st Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Schoonhoven

Claim 19.08.43 Capt. R.A. Lamb 56th FG 61st Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 FW 190 17.50 ca: Breda

Claim 19.08.43 Capt. G.W. Johnson 56th FG 61st Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Gilze-Rijen

Claim 19.08.43 Capt. G.W. Johnson 56th FG 61st Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Gilze-Rijen

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. R.S. Johnson 56th FG 61st Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G 17.50 ca: N.E. Woensdrecht

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. J.R. Carter 56th FG 61st Sqn. 0 - 0 - 1 Me 109G 17.50 ca: W. Gilze-Rijen

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. M.J. Quirk 56th FG 62nd Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 FW 190 18.00 ca: Gilze-Rijen

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. J.L. Egan 56th FG 63rd Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 FW 190 17.50 ca: Tholen Island

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. J.W. Vogt 56th FG 63rd Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Walcheren

Claim 19.08.43 Lt. E.D. Whitley 56th FG 63rd Sqn. 1 - 0 - 0 Me 109G 17.50 ca: Walcheren

B-17 Attack on Gilze-Rijen Airfield (Second ATF). Commencing at 17.20 hrs., a force of B-17s of VIII Bomber Command, escorted by six Squadrons of P-47s, carried out an attack on Gilze-Rijen airfield. Thirty-nine B-17s attacked the Target dropping 25.0-tons of GP & 20.0-tons. of Fragmentary-bombs with poor to good results. Three B-17s are missing. Ref: VIII FC Narratives of Operations.

303rd Bombardment Group


Constituted as 303rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) on 28 Jan 1942. Activated on 3 Feb 1942. Prepared for combat with B-17's. Moved to England, Aug-Sep 1942, and assigned to Eighth AF. Entered combat in Nov 1942 and raided targets such as airdromes, railroads, and submarine pens in France until 1943. Began bombardment of industries, marshalling yards, cities, and other strategic objectives in Germany in Jan 1943, and engaged primarily in such operations until V-E Day. Took part in the first penetration into Germany by heavy bombers of Eighth AF by striking the U-boat yard at Wilhelmshaven on 27 Jan 1943. Other targets included ball-bearing plants at Schweinfurt, shipbuilding yards at Bremen, a synthetic rubber plant at Huls, an aircraft engine factory at Hamburg, industrial areas of Frankfurt, an airdrome at Villacoublay, and a marshalling yard at Le Mans. Flying through intense antiaircraft fire during an attack on Vegesack on 18 Mar 1943, 1st Lt Jack W Mathis, the leading bombardier of his squadron, was knocked from his bombsight; although mortally wounded, he returned to his position and released the bombs; for this action, which ensured an accurate attack against the enemy, Lt Mathis was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. T/Sgt Forrest L Vosler, radio operator and gunner, received the Medal of Honor for a mission to Bremen on 20 Dec 1943: after bombing the target, Sgt Vosler's plane was hit by antiaircraft fire that knocked out two engines, damaged the radio equipment, seriously injured the tail gunner, and wounded Sgt Vosler in the legs and thighs; the burst of another 20-mm shell nearly blinded the sergeant; nevertheless, he maintained a steady stream of fire to protect the tail of the aircraft; when the pilot announced that the plane would ditch, Sgt Vosler, working entirely by touch, repaired the radio and sent out distress signals; after the plane went down in the Channel, the sergeant secured the tail gunner and himself on the wing; Sgt Vosler's radio signals brought help, and the entire crew was rescued. The organization received a DUC for an operation on 11 Jan 1944 when, in spite of continuous attacks by enemy fighters in weather that prevented effective fighter cover from reaching the group, it successfully struck an aircraft assembly plant at Oschersleben. Sometimes the group engaged in support and interdictory missions. Attacked gun emplacements and bridges in the Pas de Calais area during the invasion of Normandy in Jun 1944. Bombed enemy troops to support the breakthrough at St Lo in Jul 1944. Struck airfields, oil depots, and other targets during the Battle of the Bulge, Dec 1944-Jan 1945. Bombed military installations in the Wesel area to aid the Allied assault across the Rhine in Mar 1945. Flew last combat mission, an attach on armament works in Pilsen, on 25 Apr 1945. Moved to French Morocco, May-Jun 1945. Inactivated on 25 Jul 1945.

Redesignated 303rd Bombardment Group (Very Heavy). Activated in the US on 1 Jul 1947. Assigned to Strategic Air Command. There is no evidence that the group was manned during 1947 and 1948. Inactivated on 6 Sep 1948.

Redesignated 303rd Bombardment Group (Medium). Activated on 4 Sep 1951. Assigned to Strategic Air Command and equipped with B-29's. Inactivated on 16 Jun 1952.


358th: 1942-1945; 1947-1948; 1951-1952

359th: 1942-1945; 1947-1948; 1951-1952

360th: 1942-1945; 1947-1948; 1951-1952

427th: 1942-1945.


Pendleton Field, Ore, 3 Feb 1942

Gowen Field, Idaho, 11 Feb 1942

Alamogordo, NM, 17 Jun 1942

Biggs Field, Tex, 7-23 Aug 1942

Molesworth, England, 12 Sep 1942

Casablanca, French Morocco, c. 31 May-25 Jul 1945.

Andrews Field, Md, 1 Jul 1947-6 Sep 1948.

Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz, Sep 1951-16 Jun 1952.


Col Ford J Lauer, Feb 1942

Col Warren H Higgins, c. 29 May 1942

Col James H Wallace, c. 14 Jul 1942

Col Charles E Marion, c. 12 Feb 1943

Col Kermit D Stevens, Jul 1943

Col William S Raper, Oct 1944

Lt Col William C Sipes, 19 Apr 1945

Capt Bernard Thompson, Jun-25 Jul 1945.

Unkn, 1947-1948.

Maj Joe Maddalena Jr, Sep 1951

Col David Wade, 9 Oct 1951

Col John K Hester, Jan-16 Jun 1952.


Air Offensive, Europe; Normandy; Northern France; Rhineland; Ardennes-Alsace; Central Europe.


Distinguished Unit Citation: Germany, 11 Jan 1944.


Shield: Azure, a diminutive pile between four flashes of lightning, two issuant palewise from chief and one from dexter and sinister chief sides chevronwise inverted, issuant from base a burst of five rays, all or. Motto: Might In Flight. (Approved 9 Jan 1943.)

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