Assignment Part 2 Multi-state models

Using the simulated ‘mstrata’ data: 

1) Construct models allowing for combinations of time  (stratum+t) and no time (stratum)variation in each of parameters  S, Psi, and p; maintain stratum-specific variation in all parameters. Note that for Psi stratum is specified for both the 'from' and 'to' stratum, e..g. stratum specificity is coded as list(formula=-1+stratum:tostratum)  (note that these the formulas for Psi work better with no intercept so -1)

2) Compute the model-averaged estimates for S and Psi

 a. What is the estimate of survival of the individuals from seasons 3 to 4, at the states A, B, and C? 

b. What are the probabilities that an individual changes from state A to B or C; from B to A or C, and from C to A or B between the 3rd to 4th seasons? 

What are the probabilities that the individual stays in the states A, B, or C over that same interval? 

3) Repeat 1) and 2) but now with the 'reverse' option that reverses the order of the survival and movement events