finds page 2

GaryD's Mucky Fingers

Welcome to our Metal Detecting finds page 2.

Here hopefully we will be displayed some of our latest find. Finds from the Bronze Age though to the Roman and Anglo-Saxon times to the 20th Century. We are so fortunate to live in a land so rich in history.

fig 1.
This token has a Silver look to it. The lettering on the token
On the front A.D 1833
ELISAB. II. IN PROCLAM. (the next letters Looks like) R’E’G’ then . IN.
Then on the other side it has what looks like a KEY plus some other thing that I cant make out.


fig 2.

This item has been id, Its a Roman votive axe


Furniture fitting

This looks like it’s made from copper and pressed into shape a closed hand holding a parchment or scroll. It has three small holes that I guess were fixing holes for small nails attached to it is a large hook so I guess something would have hung from it. So have you seen anything like it before? If so please let us know

fig 4.
Not sure about this item, its just over 2 inches long.

fig 5.

Thornham Rally

fig 6

fig 7

fig 8

fig 9

It's a Victorian Silver 3p

fig 10

fig 11

fig 12

fig 13

fig 14

fig 15

fig 16

fig 17

fig 18

fig 19

fig 20

fig 21

fig 22