Latin 5-6 Syllabus

Syllabus Mrs. Wendy Wira

Latin 5-6

La Jolla High School

Course Description and Rationale for Latin 5-6:

A third-year course which offers a review of and exposure to nearly all of Latin grammar. Students will read poems and selections from classical authors such as Ovid, Catullus, and Cicero, as well as excerpts from Julius Caesar’s Gallic War and Vergil’s Aeneid in preparation for Advanced Placement Latin. In addition to preparing students for AP Latin next year, this course is an academic elective under the A-G requirements.

Textbook Jenney's Second Year Latin

Supplementary Texts

Additional handouts and worksheets provided by instructor

Selections of Latin prose and poetry not included in textbook to be chosen by instructor

Grading Policy

Grades are weighted according to these categories:

25% Classwork, Projects, Silent Reading – in-class work, projects, sustained silent reading

30% Tests – quizzes, tests, and unit exams

15% Final Exam

15% Homework – 5 activities per week on Quizlet, occasional other homework

15% Grammar Review Quizzes -- frequent quizzes on conjugations and declensions

Expectations for Academic Success

1. Be present and on time

2. Make eye contact with the teacher

3. Stay focused and try your best

4. Respond with the whole class when choral oral work is done

5. Respond individually when you are called upon (even if you need to indicate confusion or ask a question)

6. No side English conversation

7. No blurting out in any language

8. Have and maintain an attitude of good will and kindness

9. Complete homework each week so that you understand the words

10. Be sure to let me know if you are lost or confused! I can't help you if you don't ask!

Grading Scale

A = 90 - 100%

B = 80 - 89%

C = 70 - 79%

D = 60 - 69%

F = 0 - 59%


Weekly homework is required on Quizlet. We will set up student accounts on in class. See the next section of the syllabus for details. When other homework is assigned, it may include the following, although this list is not exhaustive: vocabulary study, grammar work, parsing, translation, analysis, and teaching.

Students are expected to have completed the previous day’s assigned homework when they come into class and be ready to ask questions and participate. Assignment Instructions

During each week of instruction (ergo, not including vacation weeks), each student must complete five activities on Students must complete two easy activities, two medium activities, and one difficult activity.

Easy Activities: Choose and complete two of these each week.

Flashcards / Cards: These are simple study flashcards. Students must complete the entire set in order to receive credit.

Scatter / Match: You must complete Scatter / Match at least twice in order to receive credit for one activity, because Scatter / Match takes about 30 seconds and is very easy. You simply match the Latin word with its English definition.

Medium Activities: The only activity Quizlet offers of medium-level activity is “Test,” so you will have to complete Test twice during each week.

Test: Gives a test on the material so you can use it as a self-diagnostic. This grade will not be recorded as a test grade in my gradebook, but you can use it to improve your mastery of the material. When you do the “Test” activity, be sure to unclick “written” so that you limit the question types to matching, multiple choice, and true/false. You must score at least 90% correct in order to receive credit for this activity.

Difficult Activities: Choose and complete one of these each week.

Learn: In the “Learn” activity, you type in the English definition for each Latin term. Be sure to have the “See English first” box unchecked. If you do not type the definition exactly, but provide a partially correct answer or a synonym, you can click the “Override: I was right” link and it will count your answer as correct. You must score at least 85% correct in order to receive credit for this activity.

Gravity: In the “Gravity” activity, you type in the English definition before the Latin word scrolls off of the screen. It is a little difficult to keep up at the higher levels, but it is fun. Be sure to click “Show… Latin” at the bottom of the screen.

In-Class Work and Homework

All written work is to be done independently, without collaboration or sharing of answers between

students unless specifically instructed otherwise. Students who submit copied or plagiarized work will be subject to the consequences listed below in accordance with La Jolla High School Academic Dishonesty policies.

Late Work Policy

v It is expected that every student will complete every assignment on time. If you are having difficulty keeping up for any reason, please see me before a grade crisis starts.

v NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED except for assignments from days with excused absences.

Make-up Work Policy

In the event of an excused absence, students may have one extra day per day absent to complete the work missed without penalty. Work due on the first day of the absence must be turned in on the day of return to avoid a late penalty.

* Late work due to truancy or other unexcused absence will not be accepted.

* Note: It is the student’s responsibility to make up late work and to ask the teacher or other

students for missed notes, handouts, etc.

Student Support Plan

v Before Instruction: Students will know the purpose and outcome for the day’s lesson.

v During Instruction: The instructor will provide instructions in multiple ways. Students will be given the opportunity to ask for assistance or clarification. Many activities will involve collaborative learning in groups, so that students will be able to work cooperatively to maximize learning. If further assistance is needed, the instructor will be available for tutoring by appointment.

v After Assessments: The instructor will be available by appointment for feedback so students can improve their skills. Students will be able to review prior exams with the instructor if desired.

Pacing Guide

Students can expect to have a summative exam at the end of each unit.

First Quarter: fourth and fifth declensions; locative case; supines; participles; infinitives; indirect statement; ablatives absolute; active and passive periphrastic.

Second Quarter: deponent verbs; gerunds and gerundives. Present and imperfect subjunctive verbs; hortatory and jussive subjunctives; purpose clauses. A summative final exam will be given at the end of the second quarter (end of fall semester).

Third Quarter: perfect and pluperfect subjunctive verbs; result clauses; indirect questions; indirect commands; conditions.

Fourth Quarter: Introductory readings of Caesar and Vergil in preparation for AP Latin. A summative final exam will be given at the end of the fourth quarter (end of spring semester).

Nota bene: This pacing guide is subject to change, depending on the needs of the students.

Citizenship Grades

Citizenship grades (E, G, S, N, or U) are determined according to a rubric, which includes (but is not limited to) being on time and starting the warm-up right away, being on task, following class and school rules, treating people with politeness and respect, bringing materials, and keeping the classroom clean. However, multiple tardies will result in lowered citizenship grades according to the La Jolla High School Universal Tardy Policy. Two incidents of academic dishonesty or referrals for disruption or defiance will mean an automatic ‘U’ and negate all other categories on the rubric.

Academic and Personal Honesty Policy

La Jolla High School expects students and staff to exercise the highest moral and ethical standards. We operate with a clear understanding of the need for honesty and integrity in the academic process. Acts of academic and personal dishonesty will not be tolerated at La Jolla High School.

Academic Dishonesty:

Any student guilty of academic dishonesty will receive a zero on the affected activity. That zero may not be dropped from the record and will be averaged into the student's grade.

Upon a second instance of dishonesty in either semester of that course, the student will be removed from that course and receive a final grade of "F/U.”

Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:

Cheating: distribution or use of external assistance relating to an examination, test, quiz, homework, project, or the like, without express permission of the teacher.

Fabrication: falsification or invention of data, citation, or other authority in an academic exercise.

Plagiarism: use of another's ideas, words, or work as one's own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the misuse of published material, internet material, and the work of other students

Theft or Alteration of Materials: unauthorized taking, concealment, or alteration of student or teacher materials

Note: In all instances, a referral will be placed in the student's cumulative folder and parents will be contacted.

Personal Dishonesty:

Acts of personal dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:

Test Avoidance: A pattern of absences on test days for the apparent advantage of

performing better on the makeup test.

If a student develops a pattern of test avoidance, parents will be notified. Any further absences on test days may result in the forfeiture of makeup opportunities.

Pressure for Unsubstantiated Grade Change: Any student and/or parent request for grade improvement

which is not based on mistakes in correction, recording, averaging, or other clerical error.

Inappropriate requests by a student and/or parent for a raise in a course grade may result in disciplinary action.

Behavior Expectations

All school-wide policies for behavior expectations, attendance, attire, cell phones, academic honesty, etc. which are outlined in the La Jolla High School Planner and on the school website are followed and enforced in this class. In addition, I have the following behavior expectations:

v On time means being in your assigned seat when the bell rings (not in the doorway or on the other side of the room from your seat).

v Bring the required materials to class every day.

v Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called upon.

v Listen to others and speak respectfully.

v No eating or drinking in class.

v No personal grooming (makeup, hair, nail polish, etc.) in class.

v Clean up after yourself.

v Do as you are asked the first time you are asked.

Contacting the Teacher

Please contact me directly with any questions about student progress. I value open, clear, and non-confrontational communication with both students and parents toward our common goal of ensuring student success. The fastest and most efficient way to contact me is through email. To arrange an appointment for a conference please email (preferred) or call in advance.