
The folks at Wixie describe their online tool in very clear terms:

"A creative platform for teaching and learning. Blending text and voice recording with original art and images makes Wixie the perfect canvas for today’s digital learners. Wixie gives students powerful tools to author a variety of performance tasks that demonstrate understanding. Publishing with technology encourages critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills, appealing to students with a variety of learning styles."

Creativity is central to empowering students to use multiple modalities to make their thinking visible. Look to check out the Wixie site for curriculum connections, lesson ideas, sample projects, classroom ideas and YouTube playlists of tutorials and curriculum support information.

Student Samples of Wixie Projects

Access the following links to find examples of student Wixie projects. Scroll all the way down each page for Wixie using teachers to follow on Twitter.

Wixie Tutorial Videos

FCPS instructional design leader, Lawrence Veasley, provides a step by step series of tutorials to get you started in leveraging Wixie for learning in your classroom. He produced eight videos in total. Here is the first one with the other video links listed below. And don't forget that Wixie can be used as an instructional tool to support blended to virtual learning. You also can create videos that include voice-over explanation of images, diagrams, drawings, etc. that you build into your presentation and then share with your students via the Web to support blended to virtual learning.

Image Source: Wixie