
This section of the site provides resources for documenting and CELEBRATING teaching and learning in our schools. We value and stress the importance of giving students the opportunity to share their ideas and reflect upon their learning. By recording and sharing their learning with them, we further the learning process for our students. This process of making thinking visible has many ramifications which have been researched and published by the Harvard Project Zero team of researchers.

An excellent place to start in learning about Project Zero research in documenting learning is the book Visible Learners: Promoting Reggio-Inspired Approaches in All Schools by Mara Krechevsky, Ben Mardell, Melissa Rivard and Daniel Wilson. Sylvia Rosenthal Tolisano often posts at her renowned Langwitches blog using the tag Document4Learning.

With so much of this Web Resources for Learning site connecting to using information and technology to support instruction and learning, you can find many instructional strategies here that promote ways of documenting learning while giving students pathways to express their thinking. One very helpful section is videography.

Videography helps us share teaching practices, student work, the culture of our schools and much more. With the power of video in mind, here are several videos to offer visible examples of how we can document, share and celebrate the teaching and learning in our schools. With schools being such busy places, it is important to find ways for students, teachers, administrators and parents to see what is happening in our classes. Hopefully the sharing leads to pausing and taking time to nurture our learning communities as we take a moment now and then to say "nice job" to our students and teachers. :)

Instructional Practices

Students Documenting Their Learning

Sharing Learning with Another School & Parents

Student Work Samples

School Culture

Sharing with Parents, Teachers and Students

Celebrating Learning

Celebrating Learning

Instructional Practices

Instructional Practices

Celebrating Co-Curricular Activities

Celebrating Co-Curricular Activities