my taxonomic study protocol


○Nakanishi's dytiscid larva collection

Mr. Nakanishi studied taxonomy of the Japanese dytiscid larva in Ehime University, but he died in 2005. His unpublished manuscript will be published by me and Dr. M. Sato after arrangement, and specimens will be deposited in Ehime University.

○Mr. Sasagawa's scirtid slides collection

Mr. Sasagawa was studied the genus Cyphon (Scirtidae) in Ehime University, and the result of his work was published in 1985. This is the list of slides (mainly male genitalia, antennae and so on) made by him. The slide number was attached by me (see Yoshitomi, 2005). This collection will also deposited in Ehime University.

○Dr. Masataka Sato's collections

    • Contribution list of Masataka Sato
    • Taxa list described by Masataka Sato
    • List of the data in field investigation
    • Vietnam 1994-1994 (data)
    • Sulawesi 1999-2000
    • Laos 2002
    • Taiwan, Lutao 2004