I'm brand new to the sport/team, what is everything I need to know?

See this guide for new families: Nordic Guide for New Families

Is previous ski experience required?

No! Everyone is encouraged to join the team, we have a great group of coaches dedicated to teaching new skiers how to ski.

What equipment do I need?

Skiers will need skate skis/poles, classic skis/poles, and at a minimum one pair of boots (combi boots are recommended for new skiers). See the Equipment page for more detailed information about necessary equipment and where it can be purchased.

How important is it to have 2 pairs of skis?

For varsity and JV skiers it is very important, it is hard to compete at a high level if your equipment is holding you back. For new skiers it is not as important in terms of racing but having proper equipment will definitely help. Skate and classic skis act differently so a combi ski can't quite capture both styles effectively. Having a combi ski has been known to cause new skiers headaches when it comes to waxing as they have to constantly add and remove the sticky kick wax all season. More information can be found on the Equipment page.

What clothing do I need?

This will depend heavily on the weather but a hat/headband and mittens/gloves will almost always be needed. In general skiers will have an outer shell for a jacket and pants then add base layers depending on the weather. One tip for layering is skiers should feel slightly cold before they begin skiing, if they are warm when they step outside they have too many layers on and will overheat once they begin skiing. Skiers will want to avoid skiing in heavy winter jackets and snow pants.

Where does the team meet before practice?

Everyday the team meets in the basement in the hallway outside of the ski locker room. This is located right inside of the door that faces 49th street and is near the black box.

Where are the practices and races held?

This depends on how much snow we receive. Prior to it snowing we will hold dryland practices which will be at or near Washburn. Once we get out on snow, weekday practices will be held at Theodore Wirth and Hyland. On weekends we will typically hold practice in the morning with the location depending on snow conditions. Wirth is our home course so most races will take place there. Check the Calendar for updates on races as they can change quickly due to sudden changes in the weather.

Do I have to race?

Yes. Even beginners are expected to race although they will race at shortened distances. The goal is to have everyone become proficient enough skiers so that by the end of the season they will be able to complete a full 5k race.