
日付: 2012年6月22日(金)

時間: 16:00〜17:30

場所: 早稲田大学・西早稲田キャンパス 51号館18階08室

講演者: Changho Keem 氏 (Seoul National University)

題目: Toward identification of smooth projective space curves of relatively low degrees

要旨: In this talk we would like to discuss about the possibility of completely identifying those curves which admit very ample and complete linear series of dimension three of relatively low degrees with respect to the genus of the given curve. As is well known, any curve of genus $g \ge 4$ has a space model of degree $g+3$ or more. Therefore, we will focus on smooth space models degrees $g+2$ or less. In the course of the talk, we will also discuss about the so-called divisorially complete curves and its relation to our current theme.