Reading List

Here is a list of GREAT books which have all made an impact on me in one way or another.

How to spot scientists when they state more than their evidence actually shows. You will be surprised how often complete nonsense is spoken "in the name of science."

Incredible story of the faith of the man who started the Salvation Army.

Moody was one of the greatest preachers who ever lived - yet severely criticised for speaking in plain English!

Not an easy read but some very important insights into a facinating topic

I read this to find out what Chaos maths was all about after seeing the first Jurassic Park movie.  But there is a lot of other interesting stuff here... like for example Big Numbers!

Not the greatest story ever told in my book - The author makes some very unscientific claims about the universe. Respectfully - I disagree!

A very interesting look at some of the dogmatic beliefs underpinning the modern scientific worldview.

Fascinating story of the Theorem that almost broke mathematics itself.

British nut who is probably one of the toughest people to walk the planet.  His powers of endurance are just staggering.

Really good investigation into the facts surrounding the resurrection of Jesus.  Read it and decide for yourself - what is the most logical conclusion?

REALLY REALLY REALLY good financial - and LIFE advice. I wish I'd read it when I was 20!

An honest look into the foundations of Islam by a devout believer.  Well worth considering.

Almost uUnbelievable story - some fascinating insights into human behaviour and endurance as well.

Horrendous - just horrendous - shows again the power we give to evil when we believe a lie.  If only this was fictional - but unfortunately its not!

This chap achieves something really special with these elephants. Really gets you thinking.

CS Lewis being creatively brilliant again...

...and again. 

This book contains one of the strongest objective arguments for the existance of God in my opinion.

This book confirmed what I had come to believe - that my Christian faith and the science I teach fit together like a hand in a glove.

This book opened my eyes to the fact that God is much bigger than any church.

Facinating story about one of the most prolific mathematicians who ever lived. He spent his life living out of a suitcase and could no more resist doing maths than you or I can resist breathing!