MUTDUT... daft name but I want some!!!

Post date: 23-May-2017 11:28:30

This Multifunctional Zip Tie is What You Didn’t Know You Needed

Posted: 22 May 2017 02:31 AM PDT

Zip ties are those needed bits of plastic that you hate to run out of. It’s frustrating when you’re working on a project, have to undo a zip tie, and then go to fasten something with a new zip tie only to find you’re fresh out. This new zip tie is not only just as durable as the regular plastic ones; it’s also reusable. The MUTDUT MultiCinch allows you to tie, build, and fix things in a ‘cinch.’

MultiCinches are elastic and durable enough to handle nearly everything. They come in three sizes, and each size is perfect for a unique use.

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