Pac-Man comes to LIFE!

Post date: 10-Aug-2017 07:12:53

These Pac-Man Like Microbots Can Capture and Transport Single Cells

Posted: 09 Aug 2017 07:10 AM PDT

A team of researchers developed a way to pre-program tiny structures to help transport things as small as one blood cell. These microscopic cubes earned the name “microbot origami,” and for good reason. The microbots draw on the magnetic energy in their environment to capture each other and get to work.

The researchers from North Carolina State University said there’s surprisingly large potential in something so small. The ability for these microbots to move so fluidly opens the doors for them to be used in soft robotics, soft biomimetic devices, and even artificial muscles.

[Image Source: NC State/YouTube]

The robots are made from microscopic polymer cubes with metal on one end.

Read More at Interesting Engineering