3D Printed Ovaries that work!

Post date: 23-May-2017 11:27:06

Mice With 3D Printed Ovaries Successfully Give Birth to Healthy Offspring

Posted: 22 May 2017 10:11 AM PDT

Updates in 3D printing continue to truly revolutionize any number of fields, including the medical fields. Researchers successfully printed organs, bones, and prosthetics. Now, a team from Northwestern University in Chicago 3D printed ovaries.

[Image Source: Northwestern U via YouTube]

A collaborative study from the university’s Feinberg School of Medicine and McCormick School of Engineering details the team’s success. The researchers removed a female mouse’s ovary and replaced it with a 3D printed ovary. She wasn’t just able to ovulate; she had a healthy birth. The mouse moms could even nurse their young unaffected.