Coffee 2 go!

Post date: 09-May-2017 11:31:52

This Smartphone Case Can Make You Coffee On the Go

Posted: 08 May 2017 08:56 AM PDT

Coffee drinkers know that a quality cup of coffee can make or break a day. Whether it’s Starbucks, Dunkin, Costa, or a home brew, coffee serves as a crucial part of a coffee addict’s day. There’s nothing worse than running late or a crowded cafe forcing you to bypass your favorite caffeinated beverage in order to stick to a schedule. One Kickstarter project wants to make sure you always have time for coffee even if you’re on the go. The Mokase smartphone cover brews espresso using your phone.

How MOKASE works

The external attachment uses espresso-filled cartridges and stores 25ml of water.

Read More at Interesting Engineering