Quotes Archive






During the years when I produced the Waldorf Watch News,

I posted interesting quotations 

bearing on Anthroposophy and Waldorf schooling — 

at the News site. Some of these were "Quotes of the Day", 

which, as the name suggests, were replaced daily,

while others, called "Quotes of Note", lasted longer.

Overall, these quotations created a miscellaneous assortment,

a jumble of statements selected for interest, variety, 

and even surprise.


Now, years later, I have returned to my files to unearth

as many of these quotations as I can.

I present them, here, along with any surviving

commentary and notes I posted with them. 

I have made no effort to rearrange the quotations

or to rework my commentary. 

I will simply show you what I have found,

gazing back in retrospect. 

(To keep things simple, I am now calling

all of these quotations, whatever their 

original designations, "Quotes of Note".)

To review the quotations and commentary, 

click on the following links:

Quotes of Note 1

Quotes of Note 2

Quotes of Note 3

Quotes of Note 4

Quotes of Note 5

Quotes of Note 6

Quotes of Note 7

Unquoted Quotes


To go to Waldorf Watch itself, 

please click here:

Waldorf Watch.