Quotes of Note

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"[A] very real family and national group soul and racial spirit is at work in the life of a family, a people, or a race. Indeed, in a certain sense the separate individuals are merely the executive organs of these family group souls, racial spirits, and so on." — Rudolf Steiner, KNOWLEDGE OF HIGHER WORLDS


"Just as Lucifer* thrives on eccentricity, on whims, on rebelliousness, and all else that arises from the individuality asserting itself too strongly, so Ahriman encourages conventionality, rigidity, and above all, uniformity of opinion. Lucifer would like to rule our classrooms, but Ahriman is most interested in controlling the Board room [i.e., the meeting room for the board of directors or college of teachers]." — Waldorf teacher Eugene Schwartz, THE WALDORF TEACHER'S SURVIVAL GUIDE

* Lucifer and Ahriman are the two arch-demons of Anthroposophical belief. [See "Lucifer" and "Ahriman".]


"The Earth cannot revolve around the Sun because meanwhile the Sun would move away from it. In reality, the Sun moves on, and the Earth and the other planets follow it." — Rudolf Steiner, THE FOURTH DIMENSION


"[This is] Rudolf Steiner's advice for changing a left-handed to a right-handed child* ... The changeover is advisable for karmic reasons ... One can only change over until the ninth or tenth year ... Only the capacities that have to do with the intellect are brought over to the right hand (writing and...holding a spoon) ... [S]imultaneously one must do artistic, pedagogical, and therapeutic eurythmy exercises."** — Waldorf teacher Rudolf Braumiller, remarks at an Anthroposophical medical conference, 1977.

* "[I]t is a fact that children will become idiotic through lefthandedness." — Rudolf Steiner, 1922 (GA 300/2).

** Eurythmy is a form of spiritual dancing that is usually required of all students in a Waldorf school. "Eurythmy is obligatory. The children must participate.  Those who do not participate in eurythmy will be removed from the school." — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER.


"[T]he most advanced among men, those who had survived the moon crisis, were able gradually to prepare themselves to envision not only the spiritual beings of Mars, Jupiter, or Venus, but those of the sun itself, the exalted sun beings. Having come down from the various planets the initiates were again able to behold the spirituality of these planets. From this it is clear why in ancient Atlantis there were institutions, schools, where those who had descended, for example, from Mars were accepted...for the purpose of studying the mysteries of Mars." — Rudolf Steiner, THE GOSPEL OF ST. JOHN


"Flying Saucers  Technically described as U.F.O’s, or unidentified flying objects. There is general agreement about the saucer shape with three spherical supports beneath. Sound evidence can be found for the existence of these unheralded objects." — George Riland, THE STEINERBOOKS DICTIONARY OF THE PSYCHIC, MYSTIC, OCCULT


"In ancient times, souls who were unable to go over into the Asiatic races, were transposed into European ones, and were obliged to incarnate again and again in them. But as they became better and better, this led to their gradually passing on into the higher races; and souls which were previously embodied in quite subordinate races developed to a higher stage, and were able later to reincarnate in the bodily successors of the leading population of Europe." — Rudolf Steiner, THE SPIRITUAL FOUNDATION OF MORALITY


"All education that is capable of enlisting teachers’ best energies and of giving their pupils the bread of life...must be regarded as religious. It need not be dogmatic or ritualistic, or in any way affiliated with a church or sect, but it cannot avoid questions of higher forms of cognition [i.e., clairvoyance], of the reality of the human soul and spirit, of life beyond the bodily, of spiritual beings above and below humanity [i.e., gods, demons, and nature spirits], of a spiritual concept of the evolution of the kingdoms of nature, of destiny, and of God.” — Waldorf educator John Fentress Gardner, EDUCATION IN SEARCH OF THE SPIRIT


"[T]he Luciferic beings [i.e., minions of Lucifer] or, generally speaking, the backward Angelic Beings on the old Moon could still incarnate on the Earth and mingle with the human race, in contrast with those who had finished their evolution on the Moon." — Rudolf Steiner, WONDERS OF THE WORLD


"[T]he living sustain the dead by providing a form of nourishment during sleep from thoughts on spiritual matters formed when awake." — Waldorf teacher Roy Wilkinson, RUDOLF STEINER


"When we observe the astral plane we come upon certain beings there ... [T]hey are related to, belong to, the same sort of beings as inhabit our present moon ... One who is able to approach these things clairvoyantly knows that on their scene of action, the moon, these are beings in a certain respect similar to man, but they are dwarfs in comparison, scarcely reaching the height of a six or seven year old child. Upon the moon, however, a particular opportunity is offered them for their activity. The physical conditions are quite different there, the atmosphere for example is quite different and in consequence when these beings withdraw, so to speak, to their habitat they acquire the faculty of a tremendous roaring, of uttering immensely powerful, frightening sounds.” — Rudolf Steiner, THE INFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL BEINGS ON MAN


"A school class is a destiny community* ... A class is not a group of children who have been thrown together arbitrarily.” — Anthroposophist Peter Selg, THE ESSENCE OF WALDORF EDUCATION

* That is, students and teacher are bound together by karma.


"Darwinism has made many errors in regard to the differentiation expressed by the races actually existing on the Earth.* The higher races have not descended from the lower races; on the contrary, the latter represent the degeneration of the higher races which have preceded them." — Rudolf Steiner, AN ESOTERIC COSMOLOGY

* Steiner taught that Darwin was wrong in thinking that high forms of life evolved from low forms. Steiner said it was the other way around: Animals evolved downward from humans, and "lower" races branched off from, and sank below, "higher" races.


"Zodiac — has its center in the individual self. The constellations are the circumference of spiritual beings. Planets are the focalizers of spiritual forces of the zodiac." — Waldorf educator Ron Odama, ASTROLOGY AND ANTHROPOSOPHY


"Elemental beings ... Among these beings are creatures such as dwarves (earth), undines (water), sylphs (air) and salamanders (fire).* Our visible physical world is a modification of these invisible elemental beings.” — Waldorf teacher Henk van Oort, ANTHROPOSOPHY A-Z

* That is, dwarves (aka gnomes) live in the earth, undines in water. sylphs in the air, and salamanders (aka fire beings) in fire. Or so Anthroposophists believe.


"Another memory lingering into Atlantean times* was that although a man no longer felt the Folk-soul directly within him as on the Moon** yet he experienced the influence of the old Folk Souls, Race-souls.*** ... There was a deep antipathy between the peoples of the various Folk-souls, love only existed between those belonging to the same. We may say that the common blood which earlier in the Moon-period had been poured down from the Folk-soul was the basis of this kinship." — Rudolf Steiner, ROSICRUCIAN ESOTERICISM 

* That is, when we lived on Atlantis. 

** That is, when we lived “on” the Moon during the Old Moon phase of evolution.

*** That is, archangels who are the shared souls of nations, peoples, and races.


"To be told...when the sky is filled with sunlight and rain that the fairies are baking [these things]...creates an indelible mood of magic.* To be told that the rainbow is caused by light refracting through raindrops is neither plausible to a child nor particularly inspiring.” — Christopher Clouder and Martyn Rawson, WALDORF EDUCATION

* To understand such statements, you must know that Anthroposophists believe in the literal existence of fairies and the actual efficacy of magic. They want Waldorf students to accept these "truths" as well.


"[C]hildren will become idiotic through lefthandedness [sic]." — Rudolf Steiner, quoted by Gerda Hueck in THE PROBLEM OF LEFTHANDEDNESS [sic]


"Christ, the Sun God, who was known by earlier peoples under such names as Ahura Mazda, Hu, or Balder, has now united himself with the earth." — Margaret Jonas, in the introduction to RUDOLF STEINER SPEAKS TO THE BRITISH


"The life of an individual can be divided into periods of seven years. The first period, in which the physical body simply builds its forms, extends from birth to the change of teeth at the age of seven. The second period, in which the etheric body is active in growth and forming, continues until puberty ... From fourteen to twenty-one the astral body is especially predominant, and at twenty-one the true I is born and becomes independent."* — Rudolf Steiner, THE UNIVERSAL HUMAN

* Waldorf education is geared to the incarnation of the invisible etheric, astral, and ego bodies. [See "Incarnation".] The idea that humans develop in seven-year-long stages is sometimes deemed Steiner's most significant educational principle. [See "Most Significant".]


"Rudolf Steiner and his Anthroposophical followers are on a mission. This mission involves karma and reincarnation and is the foundation of Waldorf Education. The occult nature of Anthroposophy is clearly entwined in teacher training and the Waldorf curriculum. Anthroposophy and Waldorf are inexorably linked — they are one in the same.” — Former Waldorf parent Steve Walden, “Question: Who Was Rudolf Steiner? Answer: Who Is Asking?”


"It is of fundamental significance for all education that we do not force developing human beings to judge at too early an age ... [T]here are things in the world that cannot be seen but must be presented. There are things that cannot be seen, for instance, religious things ... We need to teach children how to properly accept something because an authority presents it or to believe something because an authority believes it." — Rudolf Steiner, THE RENEWAL OF EDUCATION


"When a foundation of observation and disciplined thinking is established, the [Waldorf] high school science teacher now introduces a new type of thinking ... [T]he mind is cleared, and the phenomenon [being studied] is allowed to speak. The student observes what comes forward while keeping the mind from straying ... This activity opens on up to new possibilities ... This type of thinking is freed from the senses* ... [It] can be the fertile ground for the 'new' science of the twenty-first century." — Waldorf teacher David S. Mitchell, THE WONDERS OF WALDORF CHEMISTRY

* Rudolf Steiner frequently disparaged intellect, critical thought, and indeed the use of the brain. The school system he created seeks to foster a meditative, imaginative form of thinking, freed from the senses and the limitations of intellectuality. In a word, the form of cognition celebrated in the Waldorf universe is clairvoyance.


"You will injure children if you educate them rationally because you will then utilize their will [power] in something they have already completed — namely, life before birth.” — Rudolf Steiner, THE FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE


"The authority of the class teacher during the lower school period, from Classes 1 to 8 in all Steiner schools, is fostered in every way.” — Waldorf teacher Gilbert Childs, STEINER EDUCATION IN THEORY AND PRACTICE


"In Waldorf education, we greatly value the ability to enter and understand children according to their temperaments.* We actually arrange the classroom seating on this basis. For example, we try to determine which children are choleric and place them together. Thus, the teachers know that one corner contains all the children who tend to be choleric. In another, the phlegmatic children are seated; somewhere in the middle are the sanguines; and somewhere else, the melancholics are in a group.” — Rudolf Steiner, HUMAN VALUES IN EDUCATION

* Waldorf teachers generally accept the ancient — and false — idea that there are four predominant human temperaments, resulting from the influence of four bodily "humours": The choleric temperament is linked to yellow bile, the phlegmatic temperament to phlegm, the sanguine temperament to blood, and the melancholic temperament to black bile. Classifying and segregating students according to fallacious stereotypes is not, perhaps, the wisest educational policy.


"The teacher's work has to do with the four members of the child's being, the physical body, the Soul Bodies [i.e., the etheric and astral bodies] and the Ego [i.e., the spiritual "I" or ego body]." — Richard Blunt, WALDORF EDUCATION


"[T]hose of you [students] who have been here longer will have noticed that we [teachers] are really trying with all our might to help you become people with a feeling for true human devotion, people who can look up to a spiritual, supersensible world. You will learn to understand the words 'spirit' and 'supersensible world' better and better as you move up from one grade to the next."  — Rudolf Steiner, RUDOLF STEINER IN THE WALDORF SCHOOL


"[F]our sorts of elementary creatures are dominant [in various regions]. These beings...are only known to us through fairy tales, but they are still visible to someone with clairvoyant powers. In general, gnomes or root spirits are responsible for the germination of seeds and for plants which grow roots. Nymphs are active in leaf formation ... [E]lves bring light to plants ... [S]pirits of fire bring warmth into flowers of plants ... In America gnomes are dominant.” — Steiner disciple Kees Zoeteman, GAIASOPHY


"When...love of fairy tales is coupled with an understanding on the part of the story teller, doors are opened to the whole realm of life in which fairy tales are true and live forever.” — Waldorf teacher Joan Almon, WHAT IS A WALDORF KINDERGARTEN?


"A teacher : Should we have the children learn verses? 

"Dr. Steiner : Yes, at first primarily from the Old Testament and then later from the New Testament. The verses contained in prayer books are often trivial, therefore, you should use verses from the Bible and also those verses we have in anthroposophy. In anthroposophy, we have many verses you can use well in this anthroposophical religious instruction." — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER


"Even today...the Jews dominate the global scientific and artistic fraternities." — Waldorf teacher-trainer Alan Whitehead, THE PEOPLE POOL


Q. If Anthroposophy is a religion, where are its churches? A. Virtually every Anthroposophic structure is, in effect, a church — including each Waldorf school.

Here is Rudolf Steiner addressing teachers at the first Waldorf school: “Let us think of a prayer. The children should, when asked to learn a prayer, be urged to be in a mood of devotion. It is up to us to see to this. We must almost feel a horror if we teach the children a prayer without first establishing this mood of reverence or devotion. And they should never say a prayer without this mood.” — Rudolf Steiner, EDUCATION FOR ADOLESCENTS

Why do Waldorf teachers teach children prayers? Because they deem themselves to serve as priests.* And Waldorf schools thus become, in effect, churches — places of devotion, reverence, and worship.

* "The position of teacher becomes a kind of priestly office, a ritual performed at the altar of universal human life ... Our task is to ferry into earthly life the aspect of the child that came from the divine spiritual world." — Rudolf Steiner, THE ESSENTIALS OF EDUCATION.

And what religion is practiced in Waldorf churches by Waldorf priests? Anthroposophy. "[T]he Anthroposophical Society...provides religious instruction just as other religious groups do." — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER.


"When we build steam-engines, we provide the opportunity for the incarnation of demons ... In the steam-engine, Ahrimanic demons are actually brought to the point of physical embodiment.” — Rudolf Steiner,  “The Relation of Man to the Hierarchies” (ANTHROPOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT, Vol. V, Nos. 14-15, 1928)


"Twelve particular constellations, known as the zodiac...have a particular formative presence in our universe. Their relative movements can be experienced as an ever-changing dance or conversation ...  Out of his spiritual research, Rudolf Steiner...recognized the living quality of the zodiac circle. He experienced it speaking or singing to us, and perceived that a specific consonant...sounds out of each sign of the zodiac ... Likewise, each of the planets sings to the earth with a different vowel quality.” — Waldorf teacher-trainer Cynthia Hoven, EURYTHMY - Movements and Meditations


"Rudolf Steiner...saw and addressed himself to the latent possibilities in man of advancing beyond the present-day accepted limits of cognition to awaken...a [clairvoyant] knowledge of the spiritual worlds.” — Waldorf educator Francis Edmunds, AN INTRODUCTION TO STEINER EDUCATION


"Certain beings...have been created in the physical body through the effect of lying and slander ... Such beings...now flit and whirr about in our world and belong to a class that we call ‘phantoms.’” — Rudolf Steiner, NATURE SPIRITS


"In the Platonic year [a period of approximately 26,000 regular years] the earth comes under the influence of a particular sign of the Zodiac every 2160 years. This period marks the duration of a cultural epoch ... The new age of Aries, the ram, began in 747 B.C. ... Abraham saw the ram, i.e. he looked forward to the new age; but the ram's horns were caught in a thicket. Horns are symbols for two centers in the head connected with clairvoyance. When the ram is sacrificed, it means that in the new era men will no longer have the faculty of clairvoyance." — Waldorf teacher Roy Wilkinson, COMMENTARY ON THE OLD TESTAMENT STORIES


"When we see someone with small hands and arms, we will immediately say to ourselves: well, there’s no great urge in that person to hit someone. But when arms and hands are too long and heavy, the impulse to hit out must be charged to that person’s karma, their destiny, and not judged from an emotional point of view.” — Rudolf Steiner, BALANCE IN TEACHING


"You are not an initiate, and therefore you cannot understand the kind of energies we're dealing with here." — A Waldorf teacher, explaining why a student's parent cannot understand Waldorf practices. [See "Moms"]


"[T]he gnomes are constantly attentive to what is going on around them. As far as earth-observation goes no being is more attentive than a gnome. It takes note of everything, for it must know everything, grasp everything, in order to preserve its life. A gnome must always be wide awake; if it were to become sleepy, as men often do, this sleepiness would immediately cause its death.” — Rudolf Steiner, MAN AS SYMPHONY OF THE CREATIVE WORD


"Mathematics is closer to the nature of the human body than writing or reading ... [W]hat is most important here is not the shape of the numerals, but what lies behind them ... This living reality has much more meaning for the spiritual world than what lives in reading and writing.” — Lois Cusick, WALDORF PARENTING HANDBOOK


"It will seem strange that in discussing man as a spiritual being, I speak first of the teeth ... [A] truly spiritual understanding of the human being shows us [that] the child develops teeth not only for the sake of eating and speaking, but for quite a different purpose as well. Strange as it sounds to-day, the child develops teeth for the purpose of thinking. Modern science little knows that the teeth are the most important of all organs of thought. For the child, up to the time of the second dentition, these teeth constitute the organ of thought ... The forces that press the teeth out from the jaw are the same forces that [in the young child] bring thought to the surface from the dim, sleeping and dreaming life of childhood. With the same degree of intensity as it teethes, the child learns to think." — Rudolf Steiner, EDUCATION


"The History curriculum for fifth and sixth grades in a Waldorf school follows the thread of development of cultures through Ancient India, Persia, Egypt and Chaldea, Greece, and Rome. This provides a picture of the changing human consciousness from ancient clairvoyance to the loss of spiritual vision and, with it, the awakening of independent ego awareness and materialism. The teacher is guided to a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of mythologies and great epics, and shows how the ancient world points the way to the future." — Publisher’s description, TEACHING HISTORY, Vol. 1 (Rudolf Steiner Press, 2000)


"Evolution continued, and little by little the human soul/spirits who had fled to other planets began to return to the earth again ... Evolution happened in such a way that what had crystallized out as man during the latter part of Lemuria and during Atlantis* was gradually endowed with soul/spirits who had different characteristics according to whether they came down from Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter.” — Rudolf Steiner, GENESIS

* According to Waldorf belief, humanity lived on the continents of Lemuria and then Atlantis before the modern epoch began. People migrated to other planets when conditions became difficult on Lemuria, then they returned to Earth during the Atlantean period.


"The melancholic, being the person most given up to the contracting polarity, as it works into the mineral realm, will tend to occupy the least extension in space. He will shrink into a point.” — Waldorf teacher Magda Lissau, THE TEMPERAMENTS AND THE ARTS


"We should publish an article presenting, from various perspectives, how important it is for a child to learn to read only around the age of eight or nine. We could give examples like Goethe, who could not read and write until the age of nine ... We could, in contrast, give examples of people who learned to read and write at the age of four or five, then became complete idiots.“ — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER


"[P]lants smell the universe ... If with our coarse noses we were to sniff toward Saturn, we would smell nothing. But when the asafetida [a member of the parsley family], which has a keen nose for Saturn, sniffs toward that planet, it smells what comes from it ... [Y]ou know the scent of horse chestnut, or of linden blossoms? They both have such perfume because their flowers are sensitive noses for everything that streams into the universe from Venus." — Rudolf Steiner, THE EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH AND MAN AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE STARS


"[I]t is highly important that [Waldorf teachers] work at developing their own speech — musicality, rhythm, clarity, enunciation, plastic force, and so on ... [I]n working with the musicality of language, with its structure and sounds, we are at work in a wonderfully heavenly interval: a divine pause, a spiritual hiatus between our future and the student’s past. We entice the student from his or her givens [sic] from the past...into this divine hiatus.” — Waldorf teacher Magda Lissau, THE TEMPERAMENTS AND THE ARTS


"If someone living in the present were to travel, not in space but in time, and go back into the period connecting the Lemurian with the Atlantean age,* he would be confronted by a strange spectacle: huge flying lizards with a lantern-like formation on their heads, radiating light and warmth.”  — Rudolf Steiner, MYSTERY KNOWLEDGE AND MYSTERY CENTRES

* According to Anthroposophical doctrine, before the present age we lived on Atlantis, and before that we lived on another lost continent, Lemuria.


"Ray Pereira could not believe what he was hearing. His son's teacher had just said his child had to repeat prep [i.e., preparatory work] because the boy's soul had not fully incarnated. 

‘She said his soul was hovering above the earth,’ Mr Pereira said. ‘And she then produced a couple of my son's drawings as evidence that his depiction of the world was from a perspective looking down on the earth from above. ‘I just looked at my wife and we both thought, “We are out of here”.’" — Milanda Rout, “Questions About Steiner’s Classroom"


"The criminal demons attached as parasites to unborn children cause deterioration in the succession of the generations; this eats into human beings, making them less good than they would be if these demons did not exist. There are various reasons for the decline of families, tribes, peoples and nations, but one of them is the existence of these criminal demon parasites.” — Rudolf Steiner, ANGELS


"One of the most important characteristics of the Waldorf method is the degree of consciousness with which it works at helping these higher bodies [i.e., the etheric, astral, and ego bodies] to integrate. And one of the most important contributions made to modern education by the Waldorf approach is the recognition that every effort must be made to slow down the incorporation of the astral body until the child is strong enough to carry its catabolic capacities without undue physical or emotional damage." — Waldorf teacher Eugene Schwartz, WALDORF EDUCATION


"There are beings that can be seen with clairvoyant vision at many spots in the depths of the earth ... They seem able to crouch close together in vast numbers, and when the earth is laid open they appear to burst asunder ... Many names have been given to them, such as goblins, gnomes and so forth ... Their nature prompts them to play all sorts of tricks on man.” — Rudolf Steiner, NATURE SPIRITS


"A Waldorf school is more than just another independent school that provides a developmental education. It is an organization that seeks to allow the spiritual impulses of our time to manifest on earth in order to transform society ... Steiner described the founding of [the first] Waldorf School as a ceremony within the Cosmic Order ... [T]he founding of every subsequent Waldorf school also has cosmic significance ... [W]e may celebrate the founding of a Waldorf school because it strives to bring the soul-spiritual into the realm of human life.” — Waldorf teacher Roberto Trostli, “On Earth as It Is in Heaven”


"[A] kind of ‘Chineseness’ is beginning to manifest in Europe ... [S]ince the Chinese population is nowhere near as great as it was in former times, it is...not possible for all these Chinese souls to incarnate [in China] ... [T]he Chinese [have had] to take in, to a certain extent, some very immature, sub-standard souls ... But those souls who had themselves decided to incarnate in Chinese bodies were...diverted to Europe.” — Rudolf Steiner, THE KARMA OF UNTRUTHFULNESS, Vol. 1, 1916


"[T]he etheric body stands one stage above the physical body and is responsible for its life and its form ...  Using [our] everyday clairvoyance, it is [also] possible to become aware of the third member of the young person, the astral body.” — Waldorf educator Eugene Schwartz, THE MILLENNIAL CHILD


"Among the faculty, we must certainly carry within us the knowledge that we are not here for our own sakes but to carry out the divine cosmic plan. We...are actually carrying out the intentions of the gods ... [W]e are, in a certain sense, the means by which that streaming down from above will go out into the world.” — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER


"Insightful farmers...learn to transform dead wastes into life by composting ... Fairies are strongly attracted to this practice. They swarm to the farmer's aid ... To strengthen gnome activity in roots a spray made of treated cow manure is used (for gnomes and cows have a special affinity)...."* — Waldorf educator Marjorie Spock, FAIRY WORLDS AND WORKERS

* Amazingly, this is not a joke. Not an intentional joke, anyway. Anthroposophists believe in the literal existence of fairies, aka nature spirits or elemental beings.


"[Science] sees the heart as a pump that pumps blood through the body. Now there is nothing more absurd than believing this.” — Rudolf Steiner, PSYCHOANALYSIS AND SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY


"If it is to fulfill its purpose in accordance with the spiritual reality out of which it teaches, then a Waldorf school must be structured and make its administrative and financial decisions in accordance with the same spiritual reality ... To teach the children on the basis of the reality of the supersensible [i.e., supernatural] world and then work with the money as though no such supersensible world existed is to introduce a dishonesty, a lie, into the life of the school.” — Michael Spence, FREEING THE HUMAN SPIRIT


"There is no other means of bringing about a universal human brotherhood than the spreading of occult knowledge through the world.” — Rudolf Steiner, THEOSOPHY OF THE ROSICRUCIAN


"One question that is often asked is: ‘Is a Waldorf school a religious school?’ ... It is not a religious school in the way that we commonly think of religion ... And yet, in a broad and universal way, the Waldorf school is essentially religious.” — Waldorf teacher Jack Petrash, UNDERSTANDING WALDORF EDUCATION


"Buddha...became for Mars what Christ has become for the earth ... The Buddha wandered away from earthly affairs to the realm of Mars ... [T]he Buddha accomplished a Buddha crucifixion there.” — Rudolf Steiner, LIFE BETWEEN DEATH AND REBIRTH


"In the racial evolution of the post-Atlantean age,* of the 7 sub-races, the physical form gradually mirrored [soul differences], leading to the clearly recognizable physiognomic variations we see today in the 7 racial types." — Waldorf teacher-trainer Alan Whitehead, GAZE BOTH WAYS

* That is, since the sinking of Atlantis.


"[T]he moon today is like a fortress in the universe ... This is only one of the ‘cities’ in the universe, one colony, one settlement among many ... [T]he other pole, the opposite extreme to the moon is the population of Saturn.” — Rudolf Steiner, RUDOLF STEINER SPEAKS TO THE BRITISH


"Must teachers be clairvoyant in order to be certain that they are teaching in the proper way?  ... The teacher's faculty [of clairvoyance] must be cultivated and brought to a stage of conscious awareness on the part of the teacher.” — Waldorf proponent Eugene Schwartz, WALDORF EDUCATION


"With the students, we should at least try to...make it clear that, for instance, an island like Great Britain swims in the sea and is held fast by the forces of the stars." — Rudolf Steiner, FACULTY MEETINGS WITH RUDOLF STEINER


“[T]he purpose of [Waldorf] education is to help the individual fulfill his karma.” — Waldorf teacher Roy Wilkinson, THE SPIRITUAL BASIS OF STEINER EDUCATION














