09.) BLOG POST: Milestone Projects

Post date: Apr 03, 2020 6:58:31 PM




BLOG POST: Milestone Projects

Friday, April 3

Friday, April 10

Assignment Description:

We will spend our last class period sharing highlights from the semester. Because we are meeting online, let's post out highlights on our blog so we can easily share media with the class while we discuss via Microsoft teams.

Blog Post Requirements:

Part One: Highlights

1.) My First Definition

a.) screen shot

2.) Milestone 1: 2-D Parametric Design

a.) Definition

b.) Screenshot

c.) Laser cut sample

3.) Milestone 2: Parametric Vessel

a.) Definition

b.) 3D Model (screenshot or render)

c.) Plaster Mold

d.) Slipcast object(s)

4.) Milestone 3 Algorithmic Deposition Modelling:

a.) Any media you'd like to share!

5.) Milestone 4:

a.) Definition

b.) Animation (GIF or embedded youtube video)

Part Two: Reflection

1.) What was the biggest challenge for you in OBDF 310?

2.) What was your greatest success in OBDF 310?

3.) How might you use any of the tools/processes from this semester in future projects?

We will meet online at 9am next Friday (April 10).

Looking forward to it!
