04.) BLOG POST: Parametric Vessel: Two-Part Plaster Mold

Post date: Jan 31, 2020 5:17:23 AM




Parametric Vessel: Two-Part Plaster Mold

Friday, Jan 31

BLOG POST: Thursday, Feb 13 @ noon (12:00pm)

(see Assignment Requirements below for additional due dates)

Assignment Description:

We have created a definition for a parametric vessel or structure. Now, over the next two weeks, we will each 3D print and laser cut a match-plate mold positive of our designs, and cast a two-part mold in plaster. These will later be used as slip-cast ceramic molds.

Assignment Requirements:

By the beginning of next week's class (Friday, Feb 7th)

1.) Bake an iteration of your parametric vessel definition (see previous assignment) and prepare it for 3D printing mold positives:

a.) add a 10mm extrusion to the top (this will be a pour spout for the mold)

b.) create a copy of the object, cut it in half, and add a 2.15mm extrusion on the flat side (where the other half was cut away)

c.) laser cut the match plate to fit the silhouette of the form where it was cut in half

2.) 3D print a three-perimeter, hollow form of your vessel/structure (make your 3D model solid, then in slic3r set infill to '0' and perimeters set to '3' to create a hollow form) ... OR - check "spiral vase", click OK, then uncheck it and set perimeters to '3'

3.) Laser cut the match plate for your object (the rest of the laser cut components for the mold boxes will be provided... match plate template can be downloaded here.)

4.) Bring the 3D print and the laser cut match plate to class next week

By the beginning of the following class (Friday, Feb 14th)

1.) Create the two parts on your mold:

a.) Using the half-form, match plate, half-box and rubber bumpers (for mold keys) create the first half of your mold

b.) Use spray release and Vaseline to create a resist on the open surface of the half-mold

c.) Place the whole-form into the half-mold, and cast the 2nd half in the whole-box

2.) You will be working with a partner on these molds. While each student is responsible for making their own mold, you are also responsible for assisting your partner with their's (and assisting with any photo/video documentation when necessary)

Documentation Requirements (Blog Post + Media):

By 12pm (noon) on Thursday, Feb 13th

1.) Screenshot(s) of your definition (include names/descriptions for objects and object groups where applicable)

2.) Screenshots (or renders) of your form

3.) Photos of the 3D-printed mold positives

4.) Photos of the completed two-part plaster mold

5.) Process photos wherever possible!

6.) Brief descriptions of all of the above

This blog post will count as THREE. It may be divided into multiple posts if you prefer.