03.) Parametric Vessel

Post date: Jan 24, 2020 4:39:31 AM




Parametric Vessel

Friday, Jan 24

Friday, Jan 31 @ class start

Assignment Description:

Build a definition for a parametric 3D structure/vessel. Use this definition to create 3 unique iterations. One of the vessel designs will eventually be the master positive for a two-part plaster mold, and must meet additional criteria (outlined below).

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a grasshopper definition for a 3D structure.

2.) Bake three unique iterations to bring for class next week.

3.) These structures must meet the following requirements:

a.) Must fit within a 90x90x180mm box (see diagram below)

b.) Must be self-supporting (no unsupported overhangs)

c.) Must be possible to remove it from a two-part plaster mold

4.) While no blog post is required for this assignment, you may want to document process (screenshots, etc) as this will be part of next week's blog post assignment.