01.) Blog Post: My First Definition

Post date: Sep 16, 2016 12:59:58 PM




Blog Post: My First Definition

Friday Jan 10

Thursday Jan 16 @ noon (12:00pm)

Assignment Description:

As an introduction to Grasshopper for Rhino, we will be following along with some introductory video tutorials. Then, we'll create a blog post to share our designs.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Follow along with these video tutorials in Grasshopper.

2.) Complete Tutorials 1 - 8

3.) Create a new blog post and upload screenshots of your creations.

4.) Create your own "riff" on the design covered in the tutorials:

a.) Can you explore additional functions of the tools covered?

b.) Can you connect the tools and processes from this tutorial to those covered in class?

5.) Write a brief reflection on your first experience in Grasshopper, and be sure to include any questions or technical issues you ran into.

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Examples from previous semesters:
