02.) BLOG POST: Milestone Project 1: 2-D Parametric Design

Post date: Jan 17, 2020 4:34:51 AM




BLOG POST: Milestone Project 1: 2-D Parametric Design

Friday, Jan 17

Blog Post Due Thursday, Jan 23

**Due to Lab Access, laser etchings are not due until Thursday, Jan 30

Assignment Description:

Build a definition for a 2D parametric drawing in Rhino. From this, generate three unique iterations of the drawing. Then, choose one to create physical drawing/etching using the laser cutter.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Create a definition for a 2D parametric design in Grasshopper. Make use of objects for repetition like Linear, Rectangular and Polar Array.

2.) By altering the values of parameters in your definition, generate three (3) unique versions of your design.

3.) Bake these designs into Rhino, and prepare them for laser cutting/etching/engraving.

4.) Using the Laser Cutter with the instructor, technician or studio assistant, create a physical version of ONE of your designs

a.) Each drawing/etching should be no larger than 200 x 200mm.

b.) Materials allowed for use in the laser cutter:

1.) wood

2.) paper

3.) cast acrylic (plexiglass)

4.) organic fibers (cotton, silk, wool, leather)

5.) painted metal (obviously you cant cut metal, but you can laser etch through paint!)

**Due to Lab Access, laser etchings are not due until Thursday, Jan 30

5.) Document this process (definition screenshot, CAD screenshot, and photos of final pieces) and include in a new post on your process blog. (Video of the laser cutting process for bonus points!)