CPS Science Fair Scholarships 2019

CPS Science Fair Scholarships

A HUGE congratulations to seniors Hazel Rose Galvan & Ivery Marquez who received scholarships at the 69th Annual Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair, Inc. Scholarship Awards Reception which took place on Tuesday, May 21, 2019.

Since 1956, 67 Von Steuben Graduates have been awarded CPS Science Fair Scholarships.

CPS Scholarship Reception 2018/2019

Hazel Rose will be attending Gettysburg College where she will be majoring in Engineering. She received the VelocityEHS Scholarship ($3,000) and CPS Student Science Fair, Inc ($3,000) for a total of $6,000.

Ivery will be attending Lehigh University where she will be majoring in Environmental Science. She received the Kolver Family Foundation Scholarship ($1,000) and CPS Student Science Fair, Inc ($1,000) for a total of $2,000.