CPS Science Fair Scholarships 2015

CPS Science Fair Scholarships

Congratulations to seniors Emily Conde & Stacy Lam who were chosen to receive scholarships at the 65th Annual Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair, Inc. Scholarship Awards Reception which took place on Thursday, May 21, 2015.

Stacy received the BP America Inc., $3,000 and Science Fair, Inc., $500

She is currently attending Trinity College where she is majoring in Biomedical Engineering. During the 2015 summer Stacy worked in a lab at the University of Chicago's Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy (the RDCEP Center)

CPS Scholarship Reception 2015

Emily received the Mary Nalbandian Scholarship, $5,000

She is currently attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she is majoring in Environmental Science.

Since 1956, 54 Von Steuben Graduates have been awarded

CPS Science Fair Scholarships.