CPS Science Fair Scholarships 2017

CPS Science Fair Scholarships

A HUGE congratulations to seniors Erika Anderson, Phil Chung & Mohammed Chisti who received scholarships at the 67th Annual Chicago Public Schools Student Science Fair, Inc. Scholarship Awards Reception which took place on Thursday, May 25, 2017.

Since 1956, 60 Von Steuben Graduates have been awarded CPS Science Fair Scholarships.

Erika will be attending Case Western Reserve University where she plans on majoring in Chemical Engineering. She received the Takeda Pharmaceuticals Scholarship, $2000.

Phil will be attending DePauw University where he plans on studying Biomedical Engineering. He received the Mary Nalbandian Scholarship, $1000.

Chisti will be attending Illinois Institute of Technology where he plans on studying Computer Science. He received the Illinois Institute of Technology, 4-year Renewable, $4,000/yr.

CPS Scholarship Reception 2017