
The artist Gunter Demnig remembers the victims of National Socialism by installing commemorative brass plaques in the pavement in front of their last address of choice. There are now STOLPERSTEINE, literally translated as “stumbling stones" in over 610 places in Germany as well as in Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Norway and Ukraine.  Gunter Demnig cites the Talmud saying that "a person is only forgotten when his or her name is forgotten". The Stolpersteine in front of the buildings keeps alive the memory of the people who once lived here.  Each “stone” begins with HERE LIVED… One “stone”. One name. One person.

* (Text taken from

You can learn more about the Stolpersteine project at


On 14 September 2012 three Stolpersteine were laid outside the Veit Family home in Freiburg's city centre to remember Julius Veit, Katharina Veit and Toni Veit who were deported from their home to Gurs, France on 22nd October 1940.

On 30 October 2019 a further Stolpersteine was laid for Liesel Veit who fled Freiburg in 1933, spending 3 years in Barcelona and then Palestine until May 1948 when she left for the UK, the country of her husband.

 On 19 October 2021 Stolperstein were laid for Konrad Veit, Gretel Veit, Hubert Veit and Peter Veit. Konrad, then living in Stuttgart fled Germany for Columbia, Gretel and her son Peter fled to New York in May 1938 and made a new life in the US. Hubert fled Freiburg with his sister Liesel in 1933 and then to Palestine.