[Antonie] Toni Veit

Antonie Veit known as Toni was born on 23rd July 1895. She was the oldest child of Julius and Katharina Veit and their only child not to marry. She continued to live at home in Kaiserstr.124, Freiburg and cared for her parents. She worked as a typist. Along with her father Julius and mother Katharina, Toni was deported from Freiburg to Gurs, France on 22nd October 1940. Katharina and Toni stayed interned together in Gurs in Ilot I Batiment 3 until 19th January 1942. On 3rd August 1942 Toni was transported first to Recebedou, then a few days later to Drancy. On convoy 18 on 12th August 1942 she was deported together with 1006 other Jewish citizens, mostly of German and Austrian nationality, to Auschwitz. Upon arrival in Auschwitz 705 deportees were gassed upon arrival, 233 male and 62 females were selected to work, of these only 11 men remained alive when the camp was liberated in 1945. Toni was not selected to work and therefore she was presumably murdered immediately on arrival. There is no death certificate.

Toni Veit is remembered on the Wall of Names at the Shoah Memorial in Paris. You can find more information, including a photograph of the inscription by clicking here.