ImageJDraw command with Range option

Movie: A movie of invadopodia (bright dots) dynamics in a cancer cell. Movie is a time-lapse of 88 slices. Two invadopodia were highlighted using Draw_withRangeOption plugin. Rectangular ROIs were drawn around invadopodia in slices 7-24 (color: Red, line width=2) and slices 19-71 (color: Green, line width=4)

The image on the left shows the plugin dialog box, where user can either select to draw selection in the current slice, or in a chosen slice range

Movie on the right shows invadopodia (bright dots) dynamics in a cancer cell. Movie is a time-lapse of 88 slices. Two invadopodia were highlighted using Draw_withRangeOption plugin. Rectangular ROIs were drawn around invadopodia in slices 7-24 (color: Red, line width=2) and slices 19-71 (color: Green, line width=4)


Put Draw_withRangeOption.class in the plugins folder and restart ImageJ. "Draw_withRangeOption" command should be visible under Plugins menu.

Source code


* This plugin is an advanced version of Edit > Draw command in ImageJ

* Unlike Edit > Draw, this plugin gives user an option to select the range to draw the selection

* Line width of the selection can be adjusted by double clicking on the Line tool, or by Edit > Options > Line Width...

* Color of the selection can be changed by changing the foreground color in Image > Color > Color picker