Sample Submission

Internal (UT Austin) Samples

(See the Standard Consumables page for tips about sample preparation)

Step 1: Download and fill out a sample submission form for each sample.

Internal Sample Submission Form Please only use this new form!!

(This is an editable pdf form. Download the form and open it with Adobe Reader. Fill in all of the boxes and insert a pdf image of your structure. If you are having trouble inserting an image, you may need to download a newer version of Adobe Reader.)

Example of a Completed Sample Submission Form

Step 2: Print the completed forms and bring them to the submission desk outside of WEL 4.218. Then attach your sample vial to the corresponding submission form using a pre-printed MSF label (not tape), found on the submission desk, and place the duplicate label at the top right corner of the submission form.

Note: If your sample is unstable you may separately label your sample vial and submission form and place your sample in the "new samples" tray in the mini-fridge/freezer inside of WEL 4.218.

Step 3: Place the submission forms with attached samples in the metal submission tray.

Step 4: Samples will be run and the results will be returned to you by e-mail. If you have requested for us to return your sample, we will place it back on the submission desk or in the "returned samples" tray in the mini-fridge/freezer.

If your samples are air or moisture sensitive please follow these guidelines to help ensure success!

If your analysis needs more clarification please come and talk to us about it!

Please view our Pricing page for more information.

Submission Desk and sample mini-fridge/freezer near WEL 4.218

External (Non-UT Austin) Samples

Please see our External Samples page for more information.

Keep In Mind:

  • We do not need very much of your sample to complete the analysis. One mg or 0.5 mL is more than enough.

  • Avoid submitting your samples in plastic vials. The mass spectrometer can detect many peaks from the plastic itself and they can interfere with the ionization and analysis of your targets.

  • We really do need an image of the structure to help with our analysis. If you are having trouble uploading an image into the submission form, please draw it or attach a separate ChemDraw printout.

  • If you are unsure of the ionization mode or method please choose "whatever works" in the submission box. Then we will choose what we think will work best. If you are unsure and you choose "positive and negative" we will run your sample in both modes, regardless of whether the sample actually needs and works in both modes, and you will be charged for two analyses.

  • Any additional information you can provide about the reaction and starting materials is helpful.

  • While we can often finish easy ESI FIA samples on the same day they are submitted, please allow three business days for your sample to be run and analyzed before inquiring about the status of your submission.

Facility Acknowledgements

Please acknowledge The University of Texas at Austin's Mass Spectrometry Facility in any future publications that incorporate results obtained by our facility. If the data or analysis was a significant part of the paper, then adding the MSF staff member who obtained your results as a co-author would be appropriate.

Please also send a copy of the publication or the publication information (citation, DOI, or conference name and paper/poster title) to

We're always interested in seeing how our work is furthering your research!

Thank you for your business!